Amazing Facts » Fun Facts About Animals

Fun realities of animals

Amazing Animal FactsFun facts concerning animals that the kids are very unlikely to forget. Most of those facts are unique, and are so distinctive that even adults are not aware of them. Many of these animal facts further emphasizes the similarities and emotional connections that animals have with kids and likewise. This distinctive method of fact presentation can more than increase your child’s cognition and awareness. They will be a star among their mates at school.

  • Dinosaurs in all probability had a life span of about 75 to 300 years. Scientists arrived at this figure from taking a structure of their bones.
  • To get away from the grasp of a crocodile's jaw, push your thumb into its eyeballs and it will release you immediately.
  • Even a little measure of liquor put on a scorpion will make it go insane and sting itself to death!
  • A solitary cow can produce over 400 litres of harmful methane gas in a single day.
  • The chameleon’s tongue is over 1.5 times its body length.
  • Are you aware that porpoises could surf? They are often seen riding the bow wave of a ship. They make no swimming motions and may ride the wake for over an hour. They can likewise turn on their side or flip totally around.
  • The northern fur seal, instead of employing a layer of fat to keep warm, depends on its thick fur with some three hundred thousand hairs per square inch.
  • One way to identify the age of a fish is by watching its scales. They have growth rings like trees.
  • Some animals have their own in-built lights, known as bioluminescence. The railroad worm has a red light on its top with green lights down its side. All it needs is a traffic signal!
  • An electric eel can create a shock of 600 volts. That is enough to stun giant animals and even knock a horse off its feet.
  • The biggest egg laid by a living feathered creature (i.e., bird) is that of the North African Ostrich. It is 6 to 8 inches long and 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The tiniest is that of the hummingbird. It is under 0.39 inches in measurement.
  • Salamanders are known to jump out of burning blocks of wood; this is result of them hibernating in wood.
  • Fish swimming at depths of fifteen thousand feet (almost three miles down) faces a pressure of up over seven thousand pounds per square inch. By pumping gas into their bladders, they find themselves able to withstand the pressures of these phenomenal depths.
  • The blue whale, the biggest and largest animal or creature to have ever existed, is ninety-six feet long and weighs an easy hundred and twenty five tons. This if looked from a different angle is equivalent to four giant dinosaurs (Brontosaurus), twenty-three elephants, two hundred and thirty cows, or 1,800 men.
  • The fastest or the quickest bird is the Falco peregrinus or peregrine hawk. It reaches speeds of anywhere between 168 to 217 miles per hour.
  • An African adult elephant consumes 600 pounds of food a day. This is equivalent to four percent of the elephant’s body weight!
  • The 14-foot-long Monodon monoceros or narwhal, is a whale whose tooth can reach up to eight feet long.
  • An alligator’s sex (i.e., whether it is a male or female) can be determined by the temperature of the nest where its eggs hatch. It will be a male, if the egg is incubated at ninety to ninety three degrees. It will be a female, if the eggs are incubated between eighty-two and eighty-six degrees temperature.
  • Some frogs will pull their eyes into their throat and facilitate push food down!
  • A few frogs can manoeuvre their eyes into their throat to facilitate pushing food down!
  • Cows can sleep or rest standing up.
  • The smallest fish in the world area unit the dwarf or pygmy goby and the Luzon goby fish. Both are from the Philippines and reach a size of about one-and-a-half-inch long, when fully developed.
  • Chimpanzees use the maximum number of tools over any other animal except man.
  • Squirrels generally adopt different squirrel babies if they happened to be abandoned.
  • Sea otters hold hands when they sleep or rest to stay from drifting apart.
  • Dogs’ nose prints are as distinctive as human fingerprints and can be utilized to distinguish them.
  • Gentoo penguins propose to their life-mates with a rock or stone.
  • Turtles inhale through their butts.
  • Rats chuckle when tickled.
  • Before chicks hatch, they can correspond with each other and the mother hen through a systemic array of sounds.
  • Whales, Dolphins, Alligators, Crocodiles, Snakes, Turtles and other water based animals will likely drown, if they are kept under the water for a long time.
  • A baby Kangaroo (or Joey, as it is called) are only about an inch long at birth - this is no larger than a queen bee or a large water bug or beetle.
  • Turritopsis nutricula or the Immortal Jellyfish is the only species known to live forever.

We are positive that the above animal facts will get your kids’ fancy. Visit us consistently for even more interesting animal facts. Enjoy.

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