Record Breakers
Record Breakers
Everyone has the desire to achieve something. For instance, excelling in sports, securing first rank in an examination, becoming a successful doctor or a scientist, and much more. The little girl in this story is just like us, but with a different dream. She has a desire to break a world record and secure a world record on her own. Although her dream is very big, she tries real hard to achieve it.
She picks a list of world record to break. She wants to break a world record of the highest number of jumps, 177thousand. She ends up doing only 2346 jumps. She wants tp tried Hula Hoops. The world record is 99 hoops and the poor girl is able to achieve only 9! She keeps trying hard and even tries to blow a bubble gum to the maximum size she can. She shares her experiences and the attempts to break a world record with a stranger. Here comes the surprising twist in the story.
Is the girl able to break a world record? Who is the stranger? Watch the short comic story for kids to get all the answers.
Hard work rewards you well! Don’t lose hope.
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