
15 Mistakes Parents Make With Their Child – How To Recover?

Are you a parent struggling to improve your relationship with your children? There is no doubt that it is hard to be a perfect parent. Being a parent is among one of the most challenging roles. Despite being careful and responsible, parents can make mistakes sometimes.

Here are some of the parenting mistakes that often lead to the following issues:

  • Children start spending more time with their peers rather than their parents. Additionally, children will continue to spend more time on their phones, and your children begin to disagree with you.
  • They will feel more confined at home and seek ways to pass the time. They may have mental illness and emotional trauma.
  • Children can be rude and disrespectful at times, and they will be hesitant to share anything with you.

But, no matter how old your children are or how much you feel you’ve failed, there is never a wrong time to become the parent you want to be.

If you have no clue what mistake you could make unknowingly and how to recover from it, this article will help you. Avoiding these 15 common parenting blunders will enable you to become a much more successful parent.

15 Parenting Mistakes to Avoid

1. Comparing them to other children regularly

Comparing your child to others will be disruptive to their growth. When a child begins school, it is normal for their grades to be compared to those of their friends, family, and neighbors in the same class.

But, as parents, it’s important to remember that continually reminding them how others are better than them in any area isn’t going to benefit them; instead, it’ll hurt their self-esteem. Rather than constantly complaining and comparing them, you should find out why they cannot perform and what is troubling them, and then help them solve the problem.

2. Granting a child’s every wish

As a parent, you may want to fulfill your child’s wish and make them happy by buying the things they ask for. But, never ever make it a habit. Your children might think it’s okay to ask anything with the parents at any time regardless of how your situation is.

Besides this, if you grant all of their desires, children will become stubborn. Instead,

  • Teach them the value of fighting for what they desire rather than simply receiving it.
  • Try to make them understand what hard work means. You can apply the “if-then” situation to make your child understand. For instance, if you score good grades, then only I will buy a video game.
  • Ask them why they need the things that they have asked for.

If you blindly go on fulfilling their wishes, your children might be showing tantrums and become stubborn when they do not receive what they want in the future.

As a parent, you must impose some sort of restrictions on your children to set healthy boundaries. You can start by establishing cell phone rules for children.

Also, parents mustn’t give everything to their children’s demands simply to “make a bond.”

3. Instilling in children the belief that they are always right

Almost every parent pampers their children, but too much pampering can be harmful. Too much pampering may lead to some of the following issues:

  • Making your children believe they are always correct will lead them to be overconfident.
  • Children might not be mindful of their errors and the fact that their decisions affect others.
  • Covering your child’s mistakes will motivate them to make bigger ones and affect them in the future. Thus, the child should be conscious of their mistakes and accept responsibility for them.

4. Often yelling at kids

It’s never a good idea to scream at your children all of the time. If you think shouting at your child will help you to have control over them, then you are totally wrong. Instead, it increases your child’s anxiety levels and has an impact on their overall growth. As a result, such children can become aggressive to others.

Yelling worsens the child’s behavioral problems and alters their brain development, eventually leading to depression. Often yelling at kids is not a solution to make them realize their mistakes.

5. Making an extreme effort to raise a perfect child

This is a traditional blunder in parenting. They become too harsh on their children to ensure that they raise the ideal child. They impose strict laws, pressure them to act in a certain way, and track them constantly.

Threatening a child or yelling at them for minor infractions may hurt their behavior, can potentially harm them emotionally, and make a child a person with low self-esteem in the future.

6. Preaching without practicing is a bad idea

Many parents have the habit of lecturing their children for hours, but they never practice what they teach. Children consider their parents the most important role models in their lives, and they often copy them.

If you teach your child that eating fast food is bad, smoking is bad for your health, or sitting in front of the television all day is not appropriate, but you do the same thing yourself, you should learn to follow the same rules.

7. Imposing your expectations into your children

Parents typically want everything the best for their kids, but they may ignore that “best” means different things to them than it does to their children. Parents typically enforce their expectations on their children, especially when it comes to careers, jobs, and extracurricular activities. As parents, you must recognize that each child has a unique perspective.

Rather than imposing your goals on your children, allow them to make their own decisions. When you demand your child do something they don’t want to do, they are torn between what they want and what their parents want.

8. Fighting with your companion in front of the child is not a good idea

Fighting with your companion in front of your children may harm their mental health, as a child’s concept of a partnership is formed solely at home. Your child may also witness your relationship and could be encouraged to engage in aggressive actions with their partner in the future.

9. Allowing technology to take over

From providing us with various forms of entertainment to helping us with everyday activities, technology has played an essential part in our day-to-day life. Instead of spending time using phones,

  • Make memories with your kids and share stories,
  • Ask them how their day went. By doing so, it will strengthen your relationship by spending quality time with your children. Children will feel more at ease sharing whatever they want with you.

It would inspire children to use mobile devices if they see you using one. Children would have no idea what to look at on their phones and what not to look at. Instead of yelling at your children not to use their phones, download a parental control app that will help you to monitor what your child is doing on your phone.

10. Too much praise and appreciation

Although it is essential to praise and appreciate your child’s achievements, excessive praise may change them into egotists, attention-seekers and weaken their concept of right and wrong. Children may become self-obsessed and overconfident.

11. Putting pressure on children

Children are unable to handle stress.

  • Do not impose your choice and decision on them.
  • Do not pressure them to be religious, attend religious places, or participate in gatherings or other activities, if they are not willing to.
  • Instead of stressing them, you should teach them the importance of socializing without putting them under extreme stress. Putting pressure on them for their grades at school may harm their mental health.

12. Worshiping the children

Children are created to be cherished, and all parents love their children but must not worship them. Some parents ignore this and treat their children as though they are the center of the world, incapable of doing something wrong. And if their child makes a mistake, they ignore it.

These parents, who treat their children as the apple of their eye, often produce self-centered, morally deficient children with big egos. As a parent, you must avoid idolizing your children and love them responsibly.

13. Saving them from failures and mistakes

It’s painful to see our children struggling with issues that we believe we can quickly fix or make simple for them.

For instance, if your kid is having trouble while doing their homework, you know that teaching them the answers to their lesson or doing their homework for them will backfire because you won’t be present in the classroom when they have to do the assignments on their own.

Failure is a necessary component of performance. Allow your children to make errors and learn from them. If you don’t allow your children to experience the lessons that come with failure, they will never gain the courage they need to face challenges.

14. Ensuring that they are still at ease

Many things can make your child feel uneasy, particularly when it includes trying new foods, making new friends, participating in a new sport, moving homes, and attending a new school.

Encourage the children to try new things rather than make things simple. This will help them develop mental strength and adapt to unique circumstances in the future.

15. Setting so many rules and regulations

Many parents are unsure how to establish guidelines and assist their children in adhering to them. On the other hand, some parents impose far too many restrictions on their children. They may feel emotional and mental torture at home.

Children can come up with ways to break the rules if there are too many of them. Boundaries are necessary, but having so many rules and regulations at home can be a burden.

To Recover From your Parenting Blunders, Try The Following Ideas:

  • You must accept responsibility for your mistakes; otherwise, you will not be able to move forward.
  • Find out why you did what you did once you recognized your errors. This will assist you in not making the same error in the future.
  • Recognizing and asking for forgiveness when you make mistakes would help to inspire them to do the same and demonstrate genuine modesty and kindness.
  • Don’t just move on after apologizing; have a conversation. Find out how it influenced your children and express your thoughts frankly and honestly. Pay close attention to their responses. Also, don’t go over it in your head and make sure you don’t make the same mistake again.

Some of the Advantages of Avoiding Parenting Errors Include:

  • There will be a close bond between parents and children. Children will feel more at ease discussing their issues with you.
  • Kids will learn from their mistakes and be more prepared to deal with them in the future.
  • Children who have strong emotional relationships learn to control their own emotions and actions and develop self-confidence.
  • Bad behavior is reduced. Children will build good behavior because they will see errors and flaws as opportunities for growth rather than negative events that will result in punishment and lower their self-esteem.

Some suggestions on how to build a strong bond with your children:

  • Instead of shouting, use kind words, sounds, and gestures to make requests.
  • Discuss the child’s fears, worries, goals, and suggestions for them.
  • Participate in different activities with your kids. Participate in their meetings, sports, plays, and performances by assisting them.
  • Don’t be too harsh; instead, work with them to develop their skills one at a time.

FAQ Section

  1. How to mend your relationship after screaming at your child?
  • Make sure you and your child are both calm.
  • Approach your child and ask them to speak with you.
  • Make an affectionate gesture.
  • Make your point of view clear to them
  • Apologies to them.
  • Motivate your children to share their emotions.
  • Recognize and validate your child’s feelings.
  • What should parents never say to their children?
  • You have such a dramatic personality.
  • You’re a fool.
  • Don’t act like a baby.
  • I wish you hadn’t been born at all.
  • Why can’t you be more like your brother or sister?
  • You can’t have dessert until you’ve finished your meal.
  • Why are you incapable of doing something correctly?
  • I don’t think you’re right.
  • You’re a liar, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  • What characteristics distinguish a great parent?

Developing your children’s moral sensitivity is an essential part of being a good parent. The keys to good discipline are setting boundaries and being consistent. When implementing the rules, be gentle yet firm. Concentrate on the cause of the child’s actions.


It’s not always easy to be a parent, and parents also make mistakes. Even the smallest mistakes can influence how children behave toward their parents.

As a result, we’ve included a list of common mistakes parents make with their children, which will help you avoid them in the future.


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