
5 Custom Holiday Gift Ideas For Kids Who Have Everything

The holidays are coming up fast. And you’re probably thinking about what to get the special little ones in your life. But sometimes kids seem to have everything they already need. So how do you ensure that your gift will be one-of-a-kind under the tree this holiday season?

Here are 5 custom holiday gift ideas that will make the kiddos in your life giddy with excitement.

1.  For The Littlest Ones

Little ones are showered with gifts and love the moment they arrive in this world. They sometimes can tire of toys quickly and become fickle when it comes to toys. Get them something that they can look back on in the years to come. With a mommy and baby matching set you can give a gift to a little one, but also their parents. They’ll be able to look back on a sweet holiday photo where they were matching with their parents.

2.  For The Newly Mobile Explorers

Do you have a little one who is running all over the place? Help them get some of their energy out and teach them some skills by having them help you in the kitchen! And what do you get for a little chef in training? Get them their own set of kid-friendly kitchen tools and a fun apron and chef hat with their name embroidered on it. You can even get them a mixing bowl or spatulas in their favorite colors. When it comes to teaching new skills to your kids, you want them to be excited, and there is nothing that makes them more excited than having their very own tools for the job.

3.  For The Ones That Won’t Stop Growing

Kids grow physically and mentally very quickly. Which means that they are always outgrowing things as well. So what is a gift you can get an ever-growing kid that they will not grow out of? Or rather, what is a gift you can get that will grow along with this child? A life journal where they can record all of their favorite life events from each year as they grow up. This will allow them to work on their writing skills, reading skills, and be able to look back at the progress they’ve made.

4.  For the Smarty-Pants

Do you have a smart kid who seems to have mastered every computer game you’ve put in front of them? What if they made their own? There are plenty of online and in-person classes that can teach your little smarty-pants the basics of programming. Giving the gift of an experience is a gift that will stay with them for years to come. Maybe you’ll unlock a life-long passion and your little one will have you to thank years later. Or maybe they’ll just make some friends and have some fun, either way this experience will be a unique one they are bound to remember.

5.  For The Bookworm

Do you have a child in your life who cannot put down a good book? Are they always at the library tracking down the latest reads to add to their list? Figure out what genres they do and do not like and buy them beautiful hardcover copies of classic literature. Then, inscribe each book with a note to them about what this story means to you, what they mean to you, and anything else that comes from your heart. They’ll then read this book through the lens of your love for them and have a truly unique experience with a classic story.

Why Get a Custom Gift?

Why should you get a child in your life a custom gift? There are obvious reasons, like what if you get them the same exact gift as someone else? But then there is a deeper and stronger reason to get the little one in your life a custom gift–and that is that they’ll be able to hold onto a strong unique memory forever of the gift. When you give a custom gift you’re giving much more than just a gift, you’re giving them something to treasure for years to come.

Building Memories Together

The holidays are the best time to build memories together as family and friends. The act of giving gifts is an exchange of love that helps affirm relationships. When you choose a custom gift you’re choosing to give a special person in your life a gift as unique as they are.


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