
5 High Protein Snack Ideas for Kids

Childhood and adolescence are a critical period of rapid growth and development.  A sufficient, well-balanced diet that includes a variety of different foods from different food groups is so important for their growth, development, and overall health.

Protein is a fundamental building block for the body, especially for kids. This article addresses the recommended daily intake of protein, the risks associated with inadequate protein intake, plus fun ideas to make eating enough protein more enjoyable for your kids and teens.

How Much Protein Do Kids Need?

The chart below lists the current protein recommendations for children and adolescents based on the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) and Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).

AgeEAR (g/kg/day)RDA (g/kg/day)
7–12 months1.01.2
1–3 years0.871.05
4–8 years0.760.95
9–13 years0.760.95
14–18 years, boys0.730.85
14–18 years, girls0.710.85

The above recommendations for protein intake are based on a technique that is largely considered outdated and has been critiqued for its potential to underestimate protein needs.

Other techniques suggest that protein requirements are as much as 60% higher than these recommendations. Another potential problem with current recommendations is that there is no separate protein recommendation for children who are more physically active. Current research suggests that physical activity increases the amount of protein needed to support the proper development of muscle mass in growing kids and adolescents.

As a mother and registered dietitian, I would consider the current protein recommendations to be the absolute minimum requirement for children.

Why is Protein Important for Kids?

Protein is crucial for children’s growth and development. It plays an important role in metabolism, building and repairing tissues (muscle, bones, organs, etc.), supporting a healthy immune system, and maintaining proper energy levels.

Children who are physically active or play sports need even more protein to support their continued growth and recovery.

What Are the Risks of a Low Protein Diet for Kids?

When kids don’t eat enough protein, there can be some negative consequences in terms of growth and development. Insufficient protein intake in children can lead to stunted growth, poor immune function, and delayed development.

It’s important to ensure that kids receive an adequate amount of protein from a variety of different foods to support their overall health. Including some source of protein at every meal and snack can be a great way to ensure your child’s protein intake is adequate.

How to Make Protein More Fun for Kids

Getting your kids to eat more protein doesn’t have to be difficult. Offering various protein sources at meals and snacks can be a great way to encourage variety and promote adequate protein intake. Sources of protein include meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, beans, and soy products.

Making tasty and visually appealing snacks can be a fun way to provide more protein for younger kids. Present protein-rich foods in creative ways to encourage your kids to embrace a balanced diet.

5 High Protein Snack Ideas for Kids

●    Peanut Butter Banana Bites

Spread peanut butter on banana slices for a tasty and protein-packed snack. Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and healthy fats, while bananas provide essential vitamins and minerals.

●    Greek Yogurt Parfait

Layer Greek yogurt with fresh berries and granola. Greek yogurt is rich in protein, calcium, and probiotics, promoting strong bones and a healthy digestive system.

●    Cheese and Whole Grain Crackers

Combine cheese cubes or string cheese with whole-grain crackers for a satisfying and protein-rich snack. Cheese offers calcium and protein, contributing to bone health and overall growth.

●    Deli Turkey, Crackers and Hummus

Pair deli turkey with hummus on crackers for a protein-packed trio. Turkey provides high-quality protein, while hummus adds flavor and additional protein from chickpeas.

●    Fun Protein Supplement

The kid’s protein shake from Naked Nutrition is a fun protein supplement specially designed for kids. Packed with essential nutrients, it offers a convenient and enjoyable way for children to meet their protein needs. Pair with a banana or an apple for a well-rounded snack.


Protein is a fundamental building block that supports the growth, development, and overall health of children and adolescents.

Current protein recommendations based on the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) and Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) have potential limitations and may not reflect actual protein needs for kids. Emerging nutrition research suggests that children, especially those who are physically active, may need more protein than established norms.

To support your children’s growth and development, encourage a variety of protein sources, get creative with meals and snacks, and lean on tasty protein supplements like NN Kids Essentials.


Kids’ world is filled with infinite fun! Celebrate your life with lots of fun, informative, educational and inspirational data with KidsWorldFun!

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