
6 Tips To Help Your Kid Adjust After A Big Move

People leave their hometowns for many reasons. Even Dallas, the third-largest city in Texas, is seeing a significant number of population relocating elsewhere. Although the area is famous for its diverse culture and is almost like a center of arts, research shows that as many as 15000 citizens bid farewell to Dallas city between 2020 and 2021.

There are some understandable reasons for this trend. Different people have different preferences. Considering that Dallas city is highly prone to natural disasters and extreme weather conditions owing to climate change, some residents may prefer comparatively safer locations. For others, the rising house prices resulting from inflation following the pandemic may not be affordable anymore.

Whatever reasons one has, moving to a new place is not a walk in the park. And to have children moving with you adds even more pressure. Dealing with kids isn’t easy! If grown-ups find it hard to be patient while relocating, then kids are quite justified in stressing over the move, too. Here are some things you can do to help your kids adjust after a big move.

1. Pay Attention to the Kids

Packing, leaving behind old connections, traveling long distances, and settling in a strange place is all pretty stressful. And if you are managing the entire move on your own, you might end up neglecting your kids during this time. So, don’t try to handle everything on your own, and take all the help you can get from friends, families, or professional movers.

Hiring a reputable Dallas long distance moving company to handle the big move can reduce the pressure on you and your family, allowing you to spend more time with your kids and address their concerns before this big life change.

2. Build their Expectations Properly

It is important to talk to your child about your moving plans as early as possible. This will give them time to adjust to the idea of leaving their friends and home behind. Let them know that you understand their concerns and support their feelings.

Take your child to visit their friends and say goodbye. You can also host a farewell party at your home so they can celebrate with their loved ones.

To help your child feel more excited about the move, talk about the positive aspects of your new home. Show them pictures and videos of the area, including the schools, parks, and other attractions. Take them on a virtual tour if possible.

It is also important to be patient and understanding. It may take some time for your child to adjust to their new home and surroundings, and you have to give them the space to do so.

3. Involve Them in Preparing for the Move

To keep your kid distracted and engaged, make sure you involve them in the preparations as much as you can. Have them pack their own stuff. Give them the freedom to choose what they would like to take with them and what they would prefer to leave behind.

Now, your kid might make a fuss as they find it hard to part with many unnecessary possessions. So, be a little creative. Give them labeled boxes and make the packing a fun activity. Tell them to divide their stuff equally among the two boxes. You may even give away some items to charity. Tell your kid how their stuff can help other kids in need. Take them with you to some charity organization so they get excited to give away some of their belongings.

4. Make the Move an Adventure

Make the trip to your new home an adventure for your kids! Pack a camera and capture all the interesting sights along the way. Bring their favorite snacks and drinks to keep them happy and entertained. If you see a tourist attraction that looks interesting, stop for a short visit. This will help your kids stay positive about the move and give them something to look forward to.

You can even buy scrapbooks for them so they can paste pictures of their journey and create their own travelogue. This is a great way to keep them engaged and occupied during the trip. It may also help to prevent travel sickness.

5. Prioritize Setting up Their Room

When you arrive in your new home, unpack your kids’ belongings first. This will help them feel more settled and comfortable. Try to make their new room look as similar to their old room as possible. This will give them a sense of familiarity and security.

Don’t worry about unpacking the rest of the luggage right away. You can take your time setting up the other rooms in the house. But unpacking your kids’ belongings first should be a priority.

In addition to providing a room that reminds them of their usual comfort and toys they love right by their side, make sure to keep their mealtimes and sleeping schedule undisturbed.

6. Show Them Around the New Place

To help your kids get accustomed to the new place, take them on a walking tour of your new neighborhood or city. Show them the local parks, playgrounds, and other attractions. Introduce them to your new neighbors and encourage them to play with the neighbor kids.

You can also take them to some of the best food places in town to give them a taste of the local cuisine.

By showing your kids around the new city/neighborhood, you can help them feel more comfortable and excited about their new home.


Moving to a new place can be stressful, especially if you have kids. The emotional and physical health of your kid becomes the biggest concern at such times. So, you need to plan your move properly and ensure that your kid feels little to no changes at all in their new abode. Following some of the tips above might help make your kid want to move to the new place instead of feeling like a stranger in their new home.


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