
Guide to Baby Food: Tips on What to Feed Your Baby and When

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas

Imagine the most hardhearted of human beings. With a heart made of stone. With no soft sentiments. Imagine that this person is required to feed a baby. What do you think this person would give a baby? What baby food would he choose?

The answer is simple. This person would choose the best available baby food that he can afford. Simply the best. He will not settle for anything less.

When it comes to the infants of our species, we will not settle for cheap food that is too readily available. Even if we have to go into some trouble to get it, we will get the best for sure.

What is the best baby food out there?

Birth to 6 months

This is a no-brainer. Breast milk is the one and only food the baby needs.

6–12 months

Now your baby is just learning to chew. Food at this stage needs to be soft. The baby should be able to swallow it easily. Porridge, mashed fruits and mashed vegetables are good choices. Do not make the porridge too watery. Watery porridge does not have many nutrients. When to feed the baby? Well, turns out you cannot really choose the feeding time. Feed the baby when they signal that they are hungry. For example, when they put their hands to their mouth. Start with just two or three spoonsful of soft food. Usually twice a day. At this stage, the stomach is very small. So only very small amounts of food can be taken.

Don’t be surprised if your baby does not take a liking to her first foods. It takes time to get used to new foods and flavours. Be patient. Do not force your baby to eat. Also, when you are feeding, watch for signs that they are full and stop feeding then. Usually, they will shift their attention to something other than food when they don’t want any more food.

6–8 months old

Your baby is growing so fast! You can increase the amount of baby food you give. Make it half a cup of soft food two to three times a day. Anything can be given at this point except honey. (Honey should not be given until they reach 12 months old). You can also begin to add a healthy snack such as mashed fruit in between meals. This does not mean that breast milk should be stopped though.

9–11 months old

Your bundle of joy can take half a cup of food three to four times a day and a healthy snack. You can start chopping up soft food into small pieces instead of mashing it. Some babies may be able to even start eating food with their fingers. However, continue to breastfeed whenever your baby is hungry.

Related: Healthy Snacking for Children with Diabetes

12 months and above

Now your infant is a toddler! They are old enough to have three meals a day and two healthy weaning snacks in between. These snacks could be fruit, vegetable sticks, toast, bread or plain yoghurt. Do not add adult corruptions such as salt or sugar to their food or cooking water. Remember that they are not big enough for brushing properly or flossing!

Make note of the following points:

  • Each meal for the baby should be easy to eat. You don’t want her to choke on hard foods.
  • Each meal should be packed with nutrition
  • Make every bite count
  • Baby food should be rich in energy and nutrients.
  • Give a variety of food every day instead of giving the same food day in and day out.
  • Continue breast feeding as long as you want.
  • Remember to wash and peel vegetables and fruits. Remove any seeds or pits.
  • When cooking meat and fish, take out all gristle, skin and bones before cooking.
  • Avoid cow’s milk and milk alternatives during the first year.
  • Be sure that all meats and fish are cooked very well at proper temperatures: 145°F for fish and whole cuts of beef; 160°F for ground beef and egg; and 165°F for chicken and poultry or leftovers.

What to include in baby food?

  • Grains
  • Potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Legumes
  • Seeds
  • A little energy-rich oil or fat
  • Animal foods such as dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry

One final caution is this. If your baby does not want to eat a new food, or if she spits it out, do not force it. You can try mixing it with another food that she likes, or squeeze a little breastmilk on top.


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