
Long Distance Moving with Young Children: Packing, Planning, and Patience

Moving to a new city or state can be a stressful situation. Moving with kids can compound the stress level, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you follow the three Ps – planning, packing, and patience, you might discover moving doesn’t have to be bad at all. You’ll also teach your kids how to handle new situations with confidence, which will make you feel good.

Planning: How to Help Kids Prepare for a Move

Long before you label the first box, you’ll want to help your kids prepare for the move. Talk to them about it in a relaxing environment when you’re not feeling stressed. Discuss where you’re moving and what it will look like. Tell them a little about the process, such as packing items in boxes and giving away stuff they don’t want. Let them know the movers will transport all the furniture and belongings to your new home.

Consider Age as you Prepare the Kids

Younger kids won’t understand all the details, so just give them the basic facts. You’re going to live in a new house and a new city and neighborhood. Their stuff will be packed up, but it will be at their new home once you arrive. Older kids will have a better understanding, so you may want to talk about what packing will look like, where you will be moving, how long the trip will take, and other helpful information. No matter how old they are, let them ask questions and address concerns.

Focus on the fun

While you may be aware that moving with kids isn’t all about having fun, they don’t need to know how stressful it can be. Talk to them about the fun part of moving. Let them help visualize what their new bedroom is going to look like or what colors they want in their room. If you know of an interesting feature of the home, discuss it. Maybe you have a bigger backyard with room for a trampoline or a hammock. Perhaps you have a second living area in this house or space for a toy room. Help your kids see moving as an adventure, which will help them adjust to the idea of leaving their home behind.

Understand the sadness

Even as you focus on the fun aspects of moving, don’t avoid the sad parts if they want to talk about them. Let them know it’s okay that they are sad about leaving their friends or their favorite hiding place. Help them understand that it’s normal to feel grief at losing something even as they get excited about what’s new.

Packing: Getting Kids Involved

One of the best ways to help your kids get excited about moving and understand the impact it will have on their lives is by allowing them to help pack. Talk to them about what they want to keep and what they have outgrown. Now is a good time to purge the entire house, including your kids’ toys and clothing. If they have toys they no longer play with or clothes that are too small, help them pack up these items to donate. Explain that another child will love to have these items, which can help them feel better about giving them away.

Don’t try to make do when it comes to packing. Get all the supplies you’ll need, such as boxes of various sizes, packing labels, and markers. A professional moving company can provide these supplies, which will make packing much easier.

Select a box for the kids to pack of items they’ll want as soon as they arrive at their new home. This box should include a few clothes, pajamas, a blanket and pillow, toys, and snacks. Once you arrive at your destination, they will have enough stuff to get by until you’ve finished unpacking.

Take breaks for fun as you pack. Younger kids have short attention spans and even older kids get tired after a few hours of work. Go to the park or just sit down and read with the kids. You’ll feel refreshed, and the kids will be less cranky, especially if they get a nap in. For preschoolers, toddlers, and babies, you may want to pack while they’re sleeping. If you get your work done during their naptime, you’ll have more time with them when they’re awake.

Patience: How to Avoid and Manage Stress

Moving with kids can increase your level of stress, especially with long distance moves. However, you can learn to avoid some stress and manage the rest with the following tips.

Get organized early

If you think it will take two months to pack, start planning three months ahead. If you budget in extra time for your moving tasks, you won’t stress out when delays happen. Take the time to create a moving checklist that includes everything you need to do before move-in day. Put this list in a binder where you and your household can see it. Having everything written down instead of stored in your memory will alleviate a lot of stress.

Schedule breaks

As you create your moving timeline, plan for some breaks to help you keep your sanity. Take ten-minute breaks from packing to sit down and play with the kids. Schedule a longer lunch break to take a picnic to the park or even just in the backyard. Plan a day off from packing during the week to do something fun with the kids. Not only will the break help you, but it will also alleviate a lot of the kids’ grumpiness when they’re missing time with you.

Decide on Stress Relievers

You can’t avoid all stress, so the next best thing is to learn how to manage it. Figure out what relieves stress for you and your kids. It may be reading a book or playing a video game. Taking a walk or playing basketball may also be a good stress reliever. Schedule these activities into your day, but also use them when someone unexpectedly feels overwhelmed.

Communication is the key to dealing with the challenges that come from moving with kids. Implement these tips into your move to make the process smoother and to keep you and your kids happier.


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