Time is the most crucial element to be managed effectively. If you are unable to manage your time effectively, you will end up running constantly to complete tastes. Teach the kids about importance of time, as it is the one that you can ever steal from anywhere! Right from studies to fun time, efficient management of time will make things easier and simpler. Plan for a comfortable routine, try to stick to a routine, and the children will be able to follow it.
Owing to too many lifestyle diseases at the very tender age make the people more conscious about health. Nurture and educate the children about healthy living by following healthy lifestyle. Don’t ignore maintenance of hygiene and cleanliness, a crucial part of healthy living.
Something that is completely overlooked by parents is teaching money management. In fact many parents think, “Oh he is too young to teach about money”, “why do children need money?” etc. It is believed that it is good for kids to keep the money out of reach. Teaching about money, importance of savings, spending only for essentials and necessary items, etc help the children become more responsible.
Nurturing the social skills and interaction with other should be started as early as possible. The right time to teach social skills to your child is when you celebrate the first birthday of your little one. The children may be introvert or extrovert! Alternatively, a few kids would love to interact with the near and dear ones and remains shy with others and vice versa. Playing with others, sharing, communication, etc help the children to go well in a team, with co-students, with family, with relations without any struggles.
Raising independent and self-reliant children isn’t nearly possible without allowing them to find solutions to their problems on their own. While parent can extend their support to an extent, giving support all the time without letting them find the solutions will not help. Since the outside world is quite competitive, nurturing your child to face the world with courage and confident is very important. Problem solving skills should be nurtured in all aspects from education to entertainment. Let them choose from their preference, allow the children to make decisions on their own, help them analyze the situations, etc.
Give a little bit of freedom, independence, choices, and you will see a different in your child!
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