
Top Teen Photography Competitions

by Dr. Shanthi Thomas

Photography is an exciting hobby for teens: one that will get them engrossed for hours on end. What is more, there are umpteen number of competitions in which teenagers can participate armed with a basic beginner’s camera. You can avail professional photo editing service online for improving the photo quality. Photography, a passion project for college, goes far beyond capturing moments; it’s an art form that requires commitment, creativity, and a keen eye for detail. Read on to see the most popular of these competitions.

1. Monochrome Photography Award

Connoisseurs of monochrome photography swear by the old world charm of black and white photos. Teenagers who are fascinated by monochrome photography can compete in this competition as amateurs or as professional photographers. There are 13 categories that one can choose from: portrait, landscape, fashion/beauty, architecture, abstract, conceptual, nature, fine art, nude photo journalism, Street photography, wildlife photography and photo manipulation – all in black and white or monochrome. A cash prize along with a certificate will be awarded to the winners in both professional and amateur categories. Furthermore, all winners and honorable mentions will be included in the Monochrome Photography Awards Annual Book, which is considered an honor for black and white photographers.  The entry fee is $25 per single entry in the professional category and $20 per single entry in the amateur category.

2. Neutral Density photography awards 2021

The ND Awards is open to both professional and nonprofessional photographers. There are many categories available, including fine art and nude. Non-professionals have to pay $15 for single image entry fee and $20 for series entry fee (2 to 5 images). Professionals are charged single entry free of $20 and series entry fee of $25.  The winner of the non-professional section will receive the title ‘ND Discovery of the Year’ award, and the winner of the professional section will receive the title ‘ND Photographer of the Year’ award and $7500 cash prize.

3. Nature photographer of the Year contest 2021

Are you interested in nature photography? Young photographers between the age of 10 and 17 can enter this prestigious contest and help various nature conservation projects around the world. In the young photographers category, a maximum of 5 images can be uploaded. And there is no entrance fee in this category! There are fantastic prizes on offer, which will be announced during their yearly Nature Talks Photo Festival on the 13th and 14th of November 2021 in the Netherlands. Winning photos will also be presented at a photo exhibition at the festival. The contest closes on the 4th of July.

4. Nature Photography Contest

Young people who are nature lovers have a fantastic opportunity here. The categories to be photographed are fauna (any wild animal except animals in captivity such as pets or zoos), flora (all plants, fungi, lichens etc.), and landscapes and waterscapes (mountains, fields, forests, deserts/ lakes, ponds, oceans, rivers, creeks etc.). The deadline is August 31, 2021. The entry fee is $15 per photo. Winners will be announced on October 3, 2021.

5. Landscape Photographer of the Year

Interested in landscape photography? The Landscape Photographer of the Year contest has a special category open to photographers who are aged 18 or under. There is no entry fee. This contest offers photographers a great chance to explore across categories such as ‘black and white’, ‘classic view’ and ‘urban life’. The winner will be conferred the honor of being the ‘Young Landscape Photographer of the Year 2021’ and will be awarded £1,000.

6. Environmental Photographer of the Year 2021

The ‘Environmental Photographer of the Year’ competition brings together the very best environmental photography from all over the world. Every year the competition attracts thought-provoking entries that inspire us to live sustainably.  The award is in its 14th year in 2021, and is free to enter. Each photographer can enter up to 10 photographs. Entries should be submitted on or before 31 July 2021 and winners will be announced in November 2021.

7. Sony World Photography Awards

The Sony World Photography Awards is open to anyone around the world under the age of 20. Each contestant can enter a maximum of three photos across three categories: culture (celebrating the diverse cultures of the world), environment (preserving, protecting and celebrating the beauty of the environment), and people (capturing the beauty of the human race).

8. Young Travel Photographer of the Year

This is an internationally acclaimed contest that focuses on images that capture the joy of travel. There is a grand prize decided on the best single portfolio, though prizes are also awarded in one-shot categories as well. The contest is divided into two age categories: a) students aged 14 and under and b) students aged 15-18.


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