
What Can Video Games Teach Your Child?

Ask some parents if they allow their children to play video games, and they’d reply with a sharp “HELL NO!” stern and reproachful look written all over their face. Some parents do understand that their child should have time-outs from education and would sometimes allow them the opportunity to hire a professional writer online, from a research writing service company, to help them with their research paper writing, but won’t allow them to play video games still. But why? Well, if you ask them, they’d tell you that they want their kids to study hard in order to get excellent grades in school after every academic session, and having their kids playing video games, all the time, will veer them from that purpose and hinder them from achieving success.

No doubt, these parents actually love and want the best for their kids. However, they rather tend to pay more attention to the pronounced negative effects this technology can have on them than the benefits of video gamesin all. This is why they won’t give their children that freedom to play video games and would even decide not to buy one for them. But, in all truthfulness, gaming, when done appropriately, can actually improve the mental ability of your child. And that’s not all, it also, in many ways, develops their physical as well as social skills.

So, in this article, we’ll be discussing what video games tech can teach your children and why you should allow them to play, always at the right time.

Sparks Their Interest to Know about the Past

Many video games that depict history have been created by great developers. Many of them are Dynasty Warriors, Rome Total War, Assassins Creed and a host of others that bring players experiences of events that happened in history. Children would definitely learn one or two things about history, and then ultimately grow the interest to learn more on the characters or events that the simulations present. In addition, your kids also get to learn foreign languages, the diverse cultures of the world and also about places in other parts of the world that they may not get to know on a regular day. And this is just one good reason you should allow them to play. There are even more;

Builds Their Capacity to Solve Real-Life Problems

Video games also develop the skills necessary for problem-solving in your children. Studies have actually shown that arcade puzzles, Call of Duty, and Super Mario Bros, etc., can boost their mental capacity and enhance their cognitive skills. This, in turn, turns them to real-life problems solvers and opportunity takers. Bakugan: Defenders of the Core requires players to plan and think of ways to save the earth from other creatures, and will inexorably teach your child how to take life-changing actions. It will also open up their mental self to the repercussions of taking wrong actions and what these wrong acts can cause for them and society as a whole.

Develops their Social Skills

Another thing video games can teach your kids is the different ways of making friends. Children often love playing them in the company of one, two or more of their close friends. And this way, they get to interact and communicate about the game and learn from one another. When I was younger, I used to talk about making new challenges and starting new contests with friends. When I even had to change school after my parents decided to move to another state, I made new friends almost immediately as a result of the fact that I was a gamer. Even now, developers of modern games allow players the opportunity to play online and communicate with co-players. This feature helps you develop interactive as well as other important social skills.

It also develops their interest in healthy competition. It is healthy competitions that create the space for new discoveries in science and technology, and all the major societal developments we are currently experiencing the world over.

Teaches Them to Be Creative

One of the best ways to allow your children to sharpen their creative skills is to permit them time with their console. Some video games allow you to build and create their own characters. For example, NBA 2k, FIFA and PES (Pro Evolution Soccer) have the customization option in which you can create your own avatars; design bodily features and input your preferred names. This way, your child will able to build valuable creative abilities and also other essential real-life skills. Studies have even suggested that most players play their matches without following the instructions provided, and I can even testify to how video consoles can spark up the creative interest in children, as well as adults. The games I played as a young boy helped me later in college to find useful ways of maneuvering strange situations in quite a peculiar way. Even though I had access to the best research paper writing services, I sometimes tried to write my papers myself without even seeking custom help from a service online.

Additional resource: Popular Blockchain Games


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