Children's Books » Bruno Put Your Toys Away

Bruno Put Your Toys Away
Bruno is a popular character in the kids’ world! Among the numerous collections of educational stories for kids, Bruno is a favorite character.
The cute teddy created a tantrum at home when he failed to respond to his parent’s words.
He never listens to elders. One day, he faced a big trouble. Bruno was playing with toys. He got bored with the toys and decided to watch television. The toys were scattered all around the house. His mom asked him to clean the room and arrange the toys properly. He did not listen to her as he was in a hurry to watch TV. His grandfather entered his house and accidentally stepped on a toy. He fell down and hurt badly. Bruno felt sorry for him and realized his mistake. He said sorry to his grandpa and promised him and his mom that he won’t leave his toys all around the house. But instead he will keep the toys safely and properly after playing.
About the book:
There are 24 pages. The images are very clear and easily understandable. A 2 year old child can easily understand and grasp the message with the images. There are few sentences. You can read along the story with 2 – 3 years children. Children aged 4 plus years can read it alone.
Another positive element is the book is very cheap.
A good read with Bruno.
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