ICAS - Sample English Paper A

ICAS Sample English Paper A - Questions and Answers

Julie, Jack, and Tiger

One day Julie and Jack went to the lake with Tiger. Tiger can swim well, so Jack made him go into the water after a ball.

"Jump, Tiger! Jump in and get the ball. You need more exercise," said Jack. Tiger jumped into the water with a big splash. Soon he came out with the ball in his mouth, his fur dripping wet.

They had a fun time for a while with Tiger, and then set out for home because it was late in the day and the light was fading.

On the way home, Tiger saw a cat and away he went after it as fast as he could go. Julie and Jack ran too but could not keep up with Tiger and the cat.

When they got home, Tiger was there, and Jack said, "Where is the cat, Tiger?"

Tiger gave him an embarrassed look. Julie and Jack burst out laughing.

  • Who or what is Tiger?
    a. A cat
    b. A dog
    c. A boy
    d. A tiger
  • What did Tiger chase in the water?
    a. A cat
    b. A stick
    c. A ball
    d. A dog
  • Why couldn’t Tiger catch the cat?
    a. He did not want to catch the cat.
    b. The cat was too fast for Tiger.
    c. The jungle was too thick.
    d. Tiger could not see the cat.
  • How did Tiger feel about not catching the cat?
    a. Unhappy
    b. Ashamed
    c. Depressed
    d. Angry
  • What time does the story happen?
    a. Morning
    b. Noon
    c. Afternoon
    d. Evening
  • If you had to choose another title for this story, what would it be?
    a. Julie and Jack
    b. Tiger and the ball
    c. Tiger’s disappointment
    d. The cat
  • Which sentence in the sentence suggests that Tiger may be unfit?
    a. ‘Tiger gave him an embarrassed look.’
    b. ‘You need more exercise.’
    c. ‘Tiger can swim well, so Jack made him go into the water after a ball.’
    d. ‘On the way home, Tiger saw a cat and away he went after it as fast as he could go.’
  • Choose the sentence that is PUNCTUATED CORRECTLY.
    a. After a good brushing and grooming, the kitten looked fresh and pretty.
    b. After a good brushing, and grooming the kitten looked fresh and pretty.
    c. After, a good brushing and grooming the kitten looked fresh and pretty.
    d. After a good brushing and grooming the kitten, looked fresh and pretty.
  • Janet donates to the needy whenever she can. Which of the following words describes Janet most appropriately?
    a. Patient
    b. Rude
    c. Generous
    d. Pretty
  • Choose the word that is spelt correctly.
    a. Tommorrow
    b. Suprisingly
    c. Occassionally
    d. Immediately

Answer key: 1. b, 2. c, 3. b, 4. b, 5. d, 6. c, 7. b, 8. a, 9. c, 10. d

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