Competitive Exams »

The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)

The international Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) is an assessment program that is organized by University of New South Wales, Australia. It is a skills-based assessment program for primary and secondary school students, in English, science, math, digital technologies, spelling, and writing. Every year, millions of students sit for the ICAS examinations, in schools around the world.

Due to the highly competitive nature of these examinations, and their international nature, smart preparation is needed, to excel in them. Good scores in ICAS helps youngsters with their admission into the best universities in the world.

Kids World Fun gives you preparatory material for these ICAS examinations, in each of the subject areas examined. The sample question papers given here are free and printable.

How to Excel in ICAS English Examination?

Sample Papers

Sample Papers - English

Sample Papers - Science

Sample Papers - Mathematics

Sample Papers - Digital Technologies

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