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Prepare for Your IELTS General English Exam with Our Reading Practice Test

Getting ready for your IELTS General English Exam is a breeze with our special Reading Practice Test! This valuable resource includes a passage that is paired with fill-in-the-blank questions and true-false questions, which are perfect for sharpening your reading skills as an IELTS aspirant. By practicing with this test, you can enhance your ability to comprehend and analyze written material effectively, ultimately boosting your confidence for the exam. So, why not give it a go and see how this test can help you ace your IELTS General English Exam!

Passage: Back Pain

Have you been troubled by back pain? Back pain can be debilitating, but manageable usually with home treatment. However, once you have had back pain, chances are that it will recur. First of all, what causes back pain? Any uncoordinated movements? Heavy lifting? These can lead to strained muscles and sometimes, ruptured discs of the spine. Other causes of back pain are osteoporosis, arthritis and curvature of the spine. Light back pain can be managed with heat, stretching and over-the-counter medications. However, more serious and long-standing back pain needs more attention. We shall look at some of the ways to relieve the pain.

  • As soon as you feel the pain, place some ice on your back. This will help if the pain is due to inflammation resulting from an injury. You can apply a frozen towel, ice packs, frozen vegetables etc. to your back in the first 24 to 72 hours of your injury. After that you have to switch to heat. There are a few things to remember when applying ice. It should not exceed 20 minutes at a time. Also, do not apply this cold therapy more than 10 times in a 24-hour period. When you apply cold, put a cloth between the skin and the ice.
  • After the cold therapy, apply heat. Blood flow will be stimulated and healing can be promoted by applying heat. You need to make a warm compress or buy one. Heated gel packs, hot water bottles, electric heating pads and saunas can all help. Moist or dry heat can be applied. For minor injuries try 15-to-20-minute sessions. More serious pain warrants heat application up to two hours at a time. A hot shower is also useful to alleviate soreness in muscles.
  • How about some stretches after the pain is subsided? Do stretches that relax your muscles. Lie on your back on the floor or a yoga mat. Bring one knee up to your chest slowly. Hold it for one count, and release it slowly to the floor. Repeat with the other knee. If your back hurts when bending forward, you can do what is known as ‘cobra stretch’. Lie on your stomach, and prop yourself up on your palms. Extend your elbows slowly so that you push yourself up from the floor. You should keep your pelvis on the floor. If any of these stretches are painful, stop doing them immediately, and visit a doctor.
  • Be involved in light activities. Resting all the time is not recommended for back pain. In fact, light movement can lead to a surge of blood flow to your muscles and help to loosen them up. Continue your daily routine as much as you can, but scale it back a little. You can do light house chores, go for walks, stretch and move around. If any activity is too painful, stop it immediately.
  • Is the pain getting too severe? Does it not lessen even after trying home remedies? Visit a doctor. Back injuries resulting from a fall or other physical trauma need medical attention as soon as possible. Is there numbness or tingling? Treat it as an emergency case. X-rays, MRI scans, CT scans, or blood tests may have to be done as per your doctor’s directions.

Fill in the blanks with information from the text in not more than 5 words each.

1. Back pain can be caused by ………………………………
2. Applying ice packs helps if the back pain is caused by ……………………………
3. Do not apply the ice pack more than …………………….at a time.
4. …………………………. can lessen the soreness in the muscles.
5. If stretching is painful, ……………………………
6. Light movement will increase ………………………….

True, false, or no information given?

7. Arthritis can cause back pain.
8. Cold therapy should not be applied more than 20 times in a 24-hour period.
9. A cobra stretch can sometimes hurt your back.
10. Resting all the time is recommended for back pain.

Answer Scheme

1. Uncoordinated movements and ruptured discs.
2. inflammation resulting from an injury.
3. twenty minutes
4. A hot shower
5. Stop and visit a doctor.
6. Blood flow to your muscles.
7. True
8. False
9. No information given.
10. false

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