Did You Know? » Interesting Fun Facts and Figures - Page 2

Nature’s Philosophers

Do you know who are called the ‘Nature’s Philosophers?’


The term SCIENTISTS was coined in the year 1833.

Blue Color

Blue is a favourite colour of millions of men, yes it is surprising. The sky is blue, sea is blue and many love this colour. But did you know that there is no natural food available in this colour. This may be because; the blue colour in food is closely linked with poisonous food. When the food turns blue, it is believed that the food has turned poisonous.

Weight of the Brain

Did you know the weight of the brain? It weighs lesser than 2 percent of the body weight. Surprisingly, it consumes 30 percent of oxygen we breathe and around 20 percent of blood supplied in our body. Lack of energy reduces your brain function as it reduces oxygen supply to brain. Deep breathing for a couple of minutes improves oxygen and blood supply to brain.

Did you know a solid can float in liquid!!

Yes, it is true! Ice floats in water. Example – Glaciers – ice floating on oceans or simply the ice cubes floating in a glass of water or juice!

A solid should only sink in liquid due to its huge density. Why solid ice float in water? Because, even though ice is solid, the density of ice is lesser than water. The solid form of water (Ice) is 9 to 10 percent lesser denser than its liquid form.

Heart Beat

Contraction and expansion of heart muscles is termed as HEART BEAT.

Heart beats around 72 times a minute averagely. In infants, it would double and in elderly, heart beats around 100 times a minute. Heartbeats are faster in women than men.

The heart beats from the moment you born until you die, without any rest. You would die if the heart takes rest even for a second!

Are you a lover of botanical science?

How many plant varieties you can name? 10? 100? 200? 500?

Around 85 percent plant kingdom is found in the ocean, among which 75 percent plants are unidentified!

Solar System

We knew that solar system has nine planets, but did you know a surprising fact about our planet – EARTH?

Our planet EARTH is the only planet that is not named after a GOD! Every other planet in the solar system represents a GOD.

Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.

Left Handed

Did you know around 15 percentage of the world population are left handed. They are controlled by right side of the brain. Left-handers were cursed as SINISTER in the ancient period, associated with bad luck and were even considered unfavorable.

Rabbit and Parrot

Many of us know that the owl can rotate its head 270 degrees to see behind. There is another bird and animal that can see behind without moving the head?

Longest Word in English

Do you know how many letters does the longest word in English contain? 15? 20? 50? 100? 500?
It has 1909 letters and the word refers to a very special DNA type / part of DNA.

Chew, chew and chew your food!

You may not know how delicious your food is unless it is mixed with saliva! Salivary glands include the taste buds and help you identify the taste!
The more you chew it, the more you enjoy delicious foods!

Powerful Women Penguins and Pity Men Penguins

This is an interesting fact about penguins. These beautiful birds live in the polar region. Penguins are unique from other birds and mammals. Penguins breed in-group, and it is the male penguins’ that takes care of the eggs during the incubation.

Female penguins will go aboard to hunt for food in the sea. It will take days, and weeks and even months to return to their place. Until the women counterpart return with food, the loveable male partners preserve the eggs until they hatch. Most of the male penguins die soon after the return of female counterpart as they starve for months to incubate the baby.

In addition, every woman penguin will indentify her partner in the group of 1000 penguins without any difficulty.


Mia refers to a group of conditions characterized by sense of smelling.
Anosmia – Inability to smell anything – Nose block, chronic cold, etc.
Hyposmia – reduced ability to smell / identify things rightly with their smell
Dysosmia – Things carry different smells than the relevant smell
Hyperosmia – Excessive sense of smelling – DOGS!
Phantosmia – Hallucinated smelling – You detect smells that are not present.

Human DNA has a great resemblance with a fruit?

The human beings are all unique in this world in many aspects, which very lesser amount of resemblances.
Do you know that the Human DNA has a great resemblance with a fruit?
Yes! It is a healthy fruit that provides instant energy. It is also a kid-friendly fruit! It is the BANANA.
The DNA of Banana is 50 percent similar to the DNA of a human being. Interesting isn’t it?

Human Brain

The Human Brain is a jelly like organ composed of 80 percent of water. The human brain is more powerful and active at night than day. It can hold as much as information that is equal to 5 Britannica Encyclopedia. An average individual uses no more than 5 percent of the human brain in the entire life. Similarly, the person who dreams a lot tends to have a higher IQ. The brain controls your vision. Yes, your eyes can always see your nose, however, your brains direct your vision to ignore it.

Unique Impressions

Everyone is unique and nobody resembles another person in the world. I am saying this in a different context!
We all knew that our finger prints, especially the thumbprints are unique and nobody shares a similar print.
Just like fingerprints, we do have unique impressions in our body, which remains UNIQUE.

What are others?
Tongue prints – Tongue which has taste buds has unique prints and patterns
Toe Prints - Similar to finger prints, toes are different too!
Eyes – The invisible prints and patterns in the eyes varies with everyone.


A hug releases the hormone called Oxytocin, which makes you feel relaxed, heal the physical and mental wounds, and soothes your body and mind. It is an easy and simple way to pacify your kid.
Give a warm hug to your near and dear ones to stay happy and healthy.

Amazing fact about Zebra stripes!

Zebra is a wild animal, a carnivore, but belongs to the horse family, that is an herbivorous animal and eats grass! We all knew that zebra is distinguished for its beautiful black and white stripes in their body. Here is an unknown and amazing fact about Zebra stripes!
Zebra stripe patterns are unique and just like fingerprints; no zebra carries similar stripes with other. Every zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes although it resembles one another. There are zebras with brown and white stripes instead of black stripes.

Chewing gum is good for health!

Chewing gum at regular intervals improves oral health and hygiene. It stimulates the saliva secretion and flow in mouth, reduces plaque, removes off debris, enhances the strength of teeth and prevents cavities.
Remember to chew sugar free gums!
Next time if you see your child chewing gum, do not panic.

Giraffe's tongue

With its 21-inch tongue, a giraffe can clean its own ears.

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