Things Around Us - Educational Pack
Things Around Us - Interior And Exterior
Here is the concept and content of the DVD
It was a nice morning and Sayasha was busy in drawing in something. The other children noticed her, wished to join her and inquired her, what she was doing. She showed them a beautiful hall of their house drawn by her. However, the hall was empty! They asked why she kept the hall empty. Sayasha told she wasn’t sure about what the things she could put in a hall and that’s why she left it empty. She requested them to call Vaayu and Maya to help her to fill the things.
Vaayu and Maya, the fictional characters appear in front of Sayasha and understood her problem. Vaayu and Maya show Sayasha and other children about the things they had in the hall and all other things they have in their house. The kids are enlightened about the objects they have in their house, their use and how those elements make their life simpler.
One by one, every object is explained in detailed and the children were happy to know about the objects they use in their life. Vaayu and Maya also take them to educate the objects in the outdoors.
The theme is good and nicely executed. Children can easily learn about the important objects they use in their life.
The cost of the DVD seems to a bit expensive when compared the DVDs available for kids in the similar genre.
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