e-Books » Big Mac and Little Dipper - The Stair Case

E-book Review

Big Mac is a short eBook story of a pet dog, but it was actually a big dog! This eBook story is all about Big’s Mac’s struggle to get an ideal place to sleep!

It was a small house and a small family. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their two kids, Katia, the toddler and Tyron, the naughty boy! Of course, we missed the important member of the family, Big Mac, the big dog!

Big Mac was very sleepy and wanted to sleep on a cold place. He rushed to the small kitchen and found a place to rest. However, Mrs. Smith found the big dog occupied the small kitchen and she asked him to move away from kitchen.

Big Mac went to the hall, which was cold but he doesn’t like the smell. Still, he decided to sleep near the furniture. When Katia started to play with him, Mrs. Smith noticed Big Mac and asked him to move outside.

He rushed to bathroom and found it was cold enough to let him sleep peacefully. However, the naughty Tyron chased away Big Mac by showering water.

Big Mac was unhappy that he was very tired and dying to sleep. It was getting hotter and Big Mac couldn’t find the place to sleep. He again tried to move into the kitchen, but was caught by Mrs. Smith.

He then saw the stairs and wished to rush to the balcony and rested under the table. However, he was so afraid of climbing the stairs as they were huge and sloppy!

Big Mac finally went to sleep under the shadow of a tree where he met Little Dipper. He couldn’t control his sleep, but was disturbed by Little Dipper, a dog,. Big Mac never spoke with her and she was surprised at his behavior. Big Mac ignored all her words and thinking about sleeping in the Balcony, so nobody can disturb him. But the Dipper was keep disturbing him.

Will Big Mac hear Little Dipper and get some sleep? Read the story.

This is a funny eBook for kids plotted around the simple and hilarious experiences of a poor dog, the Big Mac.

There is a moral too! Don’t be afraid of something that you have never tried.

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