e-Books » The Royal Raven
The Royal Raven
The Royal Raven is the story of a Raven who tried to alter the way he look to gain attention and the troubles he faced.One day, there was a cracking sound from an egg. It was no one other than the hero of the story. The little Raven came out of the cracked egg. He was happy to join his crew, but nobody noticed him. He believed that he is unique and different from others and tried to seek attention from his crew of Ravens. He realized that he looked no different than all the other Ravens in his crew and tried to alter his look. He went to other area in the forest where plenty of colorful birds lived. He felt very bad about his appearance and spoke to himself that he could have born as a swan or a peacock or even a tiny humming bird.
He tried to change his appearance by wearing different elements every day. For instance, he wore a bunch of grapes, by covering his head with sunflower and many funny things. (There are beautiful images given in the eBook to explain this funny act).
Still, he could not change himself and disliked his natural appearance. He rushed towards the middle of the forest and asked help from a witch who lived there.
The witch with her magical powers transformed the Raven into a colorful bird with glittering feathers. Raven looked so beautiful as ever. He rushed to his crew and boasted his beauty. All of them remained silent.
He believed that he was too beautiful to live in a forest and rushed to a palace. The princess found the Raven very attractive and unique. She carried the raven in her chariot and took him to dinner. Since Raven wasn’t aware about the table manners, he created a chaos there around the table. Seeing this, princess became angry and ordered the Raven to get locked in a cage. The raven was locked. He became very weak day by day although he was fed delicious foods.
Was he able to escape from the prison and join his crew? Read the story.
The story is narrated with beautiful pictures, adding more life and interesting. Don’t try to alter yourself. Do something that makes you standout in the crowd. Everyone is beautiful, everyone is unique and everyone is talented. It is not essential to seek attention by doing something stupid. If you do so, you will be in big trouble just as Raven did.
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