Cute Puppy Care - Game Description:
The game is called Cute Puppy Care and that is what players do – take care of puppies of which one of them is an adorable one. They need to feed the puppy, bath him or her and play with the puppy so that the puppy stays happy and healthy. The game includes a set of activities and mini games to construct the game interaction when the player communicates with the puppy. Cute Puppy Care is fitting for the gamers interested in animals and those who like to play the games, where they need to take care of something.
How to Play?
Take care of your adorable pup in Cute Puppy Care! Groom, feed, and play with your puppy while ensuring it stays happy and healthy. Create unforgettable moments with your furry friend in this heartwarming game!
Who Created?
Cute Puppy Care is developed and created by Famobi.
What is the Highest Score?
Cute Puppy Care is a pet care game. It doesn’t include scoring, emphasizing nurturing play.
Can I Play Cute Puppy Care on Mobile/Tablet/Desktop?
Yes you can play Cute Puppy Care on Mobile/Tablet/Desktop.
Can I Play Cute Puppy Care for free without Installing or Downloading?
Yes you can play Cute Puppy Care for free without installing or downloading.
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