Writing Exercises and Activities » How to be a Writer
Important Tips for writing Short Stories

- Elements of the Story
- A Succession of Incidents Required
- The Character Interest
- Uses of Description
- Kinds of Description
- Various Moods as Incidents
Literary Divisions and General Principles
- The Conceptual and Emotional
- Subject-matter
- Appeal of Experience, Beauty, and Truth
- Literary Principles and Qualities
- Conceptual Writing
- The Sense of Value
- Writing having Artistic Quality
- Two Things Requisite in Writing
- The Art of the Story
- The Place of Sensation in Writing
- Symbols for Visualization
- Audition and Other Sensations
- Instances of Visualization
- Motor Effects of Visualization
- Inference in Literature
- Effects of Incident and Mood
- Methods of Characterization
- The Subjective and Objective
- Interest of the Plot and its Purpose
- Interpretative Application of the Symbols
- Different Forms of the Story
- The suggestions
- Author's Purpose should be Concealed
- Unity in Visualization
- Fine Writing
- Visualization Harmony of Detail
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