Jokes » Funny Animal Jokes for Kids

The Man with the Penguins

A man was driving along the highway when he saw two penguins standing on the side of the road. They looked like they were lost, so he stopped his car and quickly picked them up and seated them in the backseat of his car. He continued on his way and soon realized that he needed to stop at a petrol station.

He stopped at the nearest petrol station. While he was there the attendant notices the two penguins in the backseat and asked the man,

‘Hey, what are these penguins doing in the back of your car?’

The man replied that he had found them on the highway and picked them up.

‘You should take them to the zoo, it is nearby’ said the attendant.

‘That’s a good idea, I will take them there!’ said the man as he paid the attendant and started to leave.

The next day the man was going by the same road and stopped at the same petrol station for a refill. The attendant who had served the man the day before was there too. He came up to the car and noticed that the penguins were still seated at the back of the car.

He asked the man, ‘Haven’t you taken them to the zoo yet? I did tell you it was nearby!’

The man replied, ‘Oh yes I did! And they loved it! And now we are on our way to the movies!’

About Whales

One day at school Marta’s teacher was talking to the class about whales. The teacher told the children that even though the whale was a very large mammal, it was physically impossible for it to swallow a human as its throat was very small compared to the rest of its body.

Marta was surprised; she had learned at church that Prophet Jonah was swallowed by a whale. She stood up and questioned the teacher about it. Marta stated that whales could swallow humans. The teacher was perplexed. Irritated, she again stood by her word that it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a man.

Marta then replied, ‘Alright then, when I go to heaven I will ask Jonah’ and she sat down, satisfied.

The teacher was still irritated, so she asked, ‘What if Jonah went to hell, Martha?’

Martha coolly answered, ‘Then you ask him!’

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