Short Stories » From the Other Side

From the Other Side

Tara and Lara were identical twins. Even their parents find it too hard to find the differences among them. Just because of their similarity in the physical appearance, the girls were admitted in different schools.

Although they look identical, both the girls differ in everything else. They don’t have many common favorites. Spicy food was Lara’s favorite and Tara was having a sweet choice in food. Lara was a night-bird and study all the night until she finishes. To the contrary, Tara was a morning bird; she used to wake up early in the morning. In addition, Lara wore light darker shades and modern outfits, where Tara likes pastel shades and traditional dresses.

This wasn’t the problem with these twin girls. However, they fight each other that the opposite one was wrong. For example, Lara will fight; waking up in the early morning is a terrible thing. You may not get enough time for study and homework. If you complete it at night, you can sleep peacefully!’

Tara always argued, ‘Mornings are fresh. It is difficult to stay up in the mid night when you really feel sleepy!’

While both sides have the advantages and disadvantages, the argument continues. They fight mainly about simple thing all-day and during the study time. Their parents decided to put an end to their arguments and created a small drama to let them understand that they both were correct from their point of view.

Lara and Tara blindfolded their eyes with a black ribbon. Their parents brought them to the dining room.

In the dining room, a big board was placed in the middle. Lara stood on one side of the board and Tara stood on the other side of the board. They were not able to see the other side of the board. Both the ribbons were removed. The girls were surprised to see a huge board in between them.

Now, their father asked Lara, what is the color of the board? She replied, ‘It is black!’

Their mother asked Tara the same question. She replied, ‘It is white!’

They began to argue. While Lara insisted strongly it was black, Tara was confident it was white.

Now, they were asked to exchange their places.

Lara took Tara’s place and Tara took Lara’s place.

They both were surprised and shocked.

The board with Lara’s side was painted black and Tara’s was white, which was assured by them.

Yes, both of them were right.

Tara who insisted it was a white board saw the black one on the other side. Similarly, Lara who argued the board was black shocked to see the white board.

They understood that they were right on their own perspective.

Most of us are like Lara and Tara. We are right most times, but insist that others are wrong!

From The Other Side - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Friendship can overcome any differences and bring us closer, even if we come from different places.

From The Other Side - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Even if someone is different from you, kindness and courage can help build wonderful friendships and bring positive changes.

From The Other Side - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Don't judge people based on appearances or assumptions, because everyone has their own unique story and value.

3 Fun Facts

  • Trevor, a ghost boy, was able to visit Henry every Halloween because the barrier between the living and spirit worlds weakened on that day.
  • Henry and Trevor enjoyed their adventures in the attic, where they discovered a forgotten treasure map, even if it turned out to be just a child's imagination.
  • The friendship between Henry and Trevor showed that true friendship can exist beyond boundaries, like the barrier between their worlds.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did Timmy decide to build in his backyard with his friends?
  • Who helped Timmy and his friends when their project didn't work out as planned?
  • What did Timmy learn about asking for help and working together?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What was the unexpected place where Sam found his missing baseball?
  • Why did the animals in the story decide to help Sam find his lost baseball?
  • How did meeting the animals change Sam's understanding and appreciation of his backyard?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What challenges do Matt and Emily face during their journey to the other side of the forest, and how do they overcome them?
  • Describe the role of the mysterious guide in the story and how it influences the decisions made by Matt and Emily.
  • How do Matt and Emily's attitudes towards the creatures of the forest change from the beginning to the end of their adventure?

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