Kids Poems » Back to School

Kids poem - Back to School - Alarm Clock Ringing

Back to School

Alarm rings: such a clang!
Such a contraption invented!
With such a nasty bang
Is my day started!

No sleeping in anymore,
Meandering in dreamland;
Alas! No curling up anymore,
This is reality land!

A whirlwind of activities,
Blurring my morning,
Ending in curses,
As my school bus doors slam.

I feel like a zombie,
Riding the school bus;
A walking, dreaming zombie,
Inhabiting the school bus.

I follow the lot,
Into the cubicles;
As though smoking pot,
My brain swirls.

Thus is the school year begun,
Thus it shall end!
When will some sense dawn,
Such cruelty to end?

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