Kids Poems » Children Praying

Little children, when you pray,
"Father, hallowed be thy name !
Do you think, the words you say
From the lips of Jesus came ?
Uttered not with soul sincere,
They offend his holy ear ;
But, if from the heart they rise,
They're as incense to the skies.

When you pray, "Thy kingdom come !"
Would you have it every where ?
If you do but think of home,
'Tis a vain and empty prayer.
When you ask "Thy will be done;"
Every where beneath the sun !
Should a voice within you say,
Or your lips be mute, that pray.

When you ask for "daily bread,"
And your "trespasses" forgiven,
Would you have all people fed ;
Every soul made heir of heaven ?
Then, you'll strive his name to spread,
Who of life can give the bread ;
Only through whose love can be
Souls from sin, for Heaven made free.

Would you all "temptation" shun,
And " from evil ' find release,
Trust to God's beloved son ;
For in him is perfect peace.
What you do his cause to aid,
Will your treasure sure be made,
Where in brightness it shall last
When this earth itself is past !

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