Kids Poems » God In The Thunder Storm

"The God of glory thundereth." Ps. xxix : 3.

When peals the thunder long and loud,
The Lord is speaking from the cloud.
Whilst they who know him not, may fear,
His children love his voice to hear.
And though it sound in noise and storm,
His love but takes the varied form ;
To give them purer vital breath,
' The God of glory thundereth."

When lightnings flash from out the sky,
It is the Lord who passeth by,
With brightness from his holy throne,
In gleamings on his raiment shown.
His splendor may the sinner awe ;
But they who know and love his law,
Recall his Word of life, that saith
" The God of glory thundereth."

At last, when scenes of life shall end,
And Christ arrayed in power descend ;
His voice will rend the silent tomb ;
His lightnings every eye relume !
His friends, in that august review,
Will shine with joy his friends anew ;
While, with the keys of life and death,
" The God of glory thundereth."

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