Kids Poems ยป

My Dear Little Maid - A Heartwarming Short Poem for Kids

Oh, how delightful it is to witness the serene scene of a sweet maiden dozing by the sea in the "My Dear Little Maid" poem for kids! The imagery of her ruby lips and rosy cheeks paints a vivid picture in our minds. As she rests with the sandcastle creations and sandy hands, the mention of her wet shoes and sturdy, chubby legs brings a sense of innocence and playfulness to the moment. How heartwarming it is to read about the caretaker's act of kindness, wrapping a shawl around the dear little maid to shield her from the wind, all while singing a soothing lullaby to lull her into a peaceful slumber. The affectionate tone of the poem truly encapsulates the love and tenderness that encompasses the bond between the caretaker and the sweet maiden.

My Dear Little Maid

THERE is a sweet maiden asleep by the sea,
Her lips are as red as a cherry ;
The roses are resting upon her brown cheeks-
Her cheeks that are brown as a berry.

She's tired of building up castles of sand,
Her hands they are gritty and grubby ;
Her shoes, they are wet, and her legs, they are bare,
Her legs that are sturdy and chubby.

I'll wrap a shawl round you, my dear little maid,
To keep the wind off you completely,
And soft I will sing you a lullaby song,
And soon you will slumber most sweetly.


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