Kids Poems » Sabbath School Hymn

Our Father, who art throned above,
As heaven's eternal king,
So high ! thou still from earth dost love
The praise a child may sing.

Then lend, we pray, a listening ear,
Whilst we, an infant throng,
Unite our feeble voices here
To lift the grateful song !

We bless thee for thy goodness known ;
We bless thee for our trust,
That still thou'lt guard us from thy throne,
Though we are in the dust.

With thanks for all thy kindness, Lord,
We give thee highest praise,
That we possess thy sacred Word,
And holy Sabbath days.

A Savior by that blessed Book
We find, who loved us so,
He laid his glory by, and took
An infant's form below !

He died but for the sins of those
Who'd be through him forgiven :
Then on the Sabbath morn he rose
To lead our hearts to Heaven.

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