Kids Poems » The Wheat Field

Field of wheat, so full and fair,
Shining, with thy sunny hair
Lightly waving either way,
Graceful as the breezes play-
Looking like a summer sea,
How I love to gaze at thee !
Pleasant art thou to the sight ;
And to thought, a rich delight.
Then, thy voice is music sweet,
Softly-sighing Field of Wheat.

Pointing to the genial sky,
Rising straight, and aiming high,
Every stalk is seen to shoot
As an arrow, from the root.
Like a well-trained company,
All, in uniform, agree
From the footing to the ear ;
All in order strict appear.
Marshaled by a skilful hand,
All together bow, or stand -
Still, within the proper bound ;
None o'ersteps the given ground -
With its tribute held to pay
At His nod whom they obey.
Each the gems that stud its crown
Will ere long for man lay down :
Thou with promise art replete
Of the precious sheaves of wheat.

How thy strength in weakness lies !
Not a robber-bird that flies
Finds support whereby to put
On a stalk her lawless foot ;
Not a predatory beak
Plunges down, thy stores to seek,
Where the guard of silver spears
Keeps the fruit, and decks the ears.
No vain insect, that could do
Harm to thee, dares venture through
Such an armory, or eat
Off the sheath, to take the wheat.

What a study do we find
Opened here for eye and mind !
In it, who can offer less
Than to wonder, and confess,
That on this high-favored ground,
Faith is blest, and Hope is crowned ?
Charily her arms may spread
Wide from it, with gifts of bread.
Wisdom, Power, and Goodness meet
In the bounteous Field of Wheat !

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