Learn English » Advanced Level English Grammar Quiz


Test your English grammar skills. Go ahead, and take up the challenge of this advanced level English grammar quiz. A printable version file also available to download.

1. Give the job to the applicant ......... you can trust.
a. who
b. whom
c. which

2. You have to take this tablet ......... your meal, not afterwards.
a. when
b. before
c. while

3. ......... she could not drive yet, she went ahead and bought herself a car.
a. except that
b. in spite of
c. even though

4. The old man hid his saving ......... no one could find them.
a. so that
b. since
c. because

5. In the last few metres, my progress was agonisingly slow, measured inch ......... inch.
a. for
b. by
c. on

6. Get ......... the bus quickly, and do not hold up others who also wish to travel.
a. on
b. into
c. onto

7. You will find the carpet department ......... the fourth floor.
a. in
b. on
c. at

8. The rules ......... obeyed unless they are enforced.
a. would not be
b. will not be
c. are not

9. If I had a lot of money, I ......... work.
a. would not have
b. will not
c. would not

10. He ......... in that house since 1985.
a. lived
b. is living
c. has lived

11. There wasn’t ......... last summer.
a. many, rains
b. much, rains
c. much, rain

12. I bought a ......... of meat for barbecue, but I need to get some more.
a. pound
b. loaf
c. bag

13. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
a. He asked me where was I going.
b. The teacher asked me, if I was listening to the lesson.
c. We had lunch, and afterwards we went for a walk.

14. Choose the correct spelling.
a. embarrassment
b. embarassment
c. embarressment

15. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
a. This bookstore specializes in three subjects: art, architecture, and graphic design.
b. This bookstore specializes in: art, architecture, and graphic design.
c. This bookstore specializes in three subjects; art, architecture, and graphic design.

16. Which of the following sentences is written correctly?
a. When Jane comes home every afternoon, she lays her coat on the chair by the door.
b. Luke laid on the beach and soaked up the sunshine.
c. The reports were laying on my desk this morning.

17. Which of the following singular-plural pairs is incorrect?
a. syllabus- syllabi
b. aircraft-aircrafts
c. phenomenon- phenomena

18. Which of the following words is spelt correctly?
a. acommodate
b. accommodate
c. accomodate

19. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
a. “I will volunteer,” said James. “as the rest of you are too much like chickens.”
b. “I will volunteer”, said James, “as the rest of you are too much like chickens.”
c. “I will volunteer,” said James, “as the rest of you are too much like chickens.”

20. Which of the following sentences is correctly written?
a. I advised him not to be so pessimist.
b. She was very artistical, even as a child.
c. I studied economics at the university.



1. b, 2. b, 3. c, 4. a, 5. b, 6. a, 7. b, 8. b, 9. c, 10. c, 11. c, 12. a, 13. c, 14. a, 15. a, 16. a, 17. b, 18. b, 19. c, 20. c

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