Learn English » English story telling for Kindergarten

1. Alex at the farm

English story telling for Kindergarten

When Alex went to the farm, he chased the chickens.

“Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!” they went.

He chased the cows.

“Moo! Moo! Moo!” they went.

He chased the horse.

“Neigh! Neigh! Neigh!” it went.

He chased the pig.

“Oink! Oink! Oink!” it went.

He chased the ducks.

“Quack! Quack! Quack!” they went.

Then the old turkey chased Alex.

It chased him up and down the hills.

It chased him all around the farm.

“Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!” went the turkey.

“Help! Help! Help!” went Alex.

2. The big fat mango

Mango Tree - English story telling for Kindergarten

In the garden, up in a tree, was a big, fat, mango.

A boy was under the tree.
“I love mangoes,” he said. “That’s my mango.”

A girl was under the tree too.
“I love mangoes,” she said. “That’s my mango.”

Along came a goat.
“Look at that yummy mango,” it said.
“That’s my mango.”

Next came a hen.
“Look at that mango,” it said.
“So sweet and juicy. That’s my mango.”

Now came a cow.
“Look at that mango,” it said.
“So ripe and yellow. That’s my mango.”

Then, along flew a bird.
“My mango,” it said.
And it ate the mango up.

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