Learn English » Grammar » Parts of Speech – Revision Activities for Year 4

Parts of Speech - Revision Activities

Parts of Speech are the building blocks of the English language. They are the foundation of English grammar.

By the time children are in Year 4, they have a basic understanding of the individual Parts of Speech, which are nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. The following are simple activities that can be used with Year 4 students, to provide them with adequate revision of Parts of Speech.

Parts of Speech Revision Activity #1

Read the story below. Underline all the nouns in black, all the verbs in red, all the adjectives in blue and adverbs in pink.

Dolly works hard in her garden. She digs the brown earth. The birds watch her impatiently. They wait for the worms.

Dolly plants the seeds. She grows orange carrots, crispy lettuces, and green beans. Once they vegetables grow, she harvests them and eats them. She even shares them with her neighbours.

Dolly likes to grow tall, yellow sunflowers too. She likes the beautiful sunflowers. The birds also like the seeds of the sunflowers.

This year, Dolly is planning to grow roses. She loves roses, even though they have thorns on them.

Parts of Speech revision activity #2

Read the story below. Underline all the pronouns in black, all the prepositions in red, all the conjunctions in blue and interjections in pink.

It was a sunny morning. Dolly and her friend Bee were in the garden. Dolly proudly showed Bee her vegetables and flowers. Suddenly, a rabbit hopped into the garden. He began digging up all the carrots.

“Stop!” shouted Dolly and Bee. However, the rabbit was too fast. He escaped with a few carrots. Dolly ran after the rabbit. Bee flew after him. They followed the rabbit into the forest. They saw the rabbit hiding behind a bush. Dolly jumped on him, but he ran away, leaving the carrot.

Parts of Speech revision activity #3

Fill in the blanks in the following passage with adjectives and adverbs. Each adjective and adverb can be used only once.

The Princess and the Frog

Once upon a time, there was a ……………. princess who had a sparkling golden ball. She lived in a ……….. palace with her father, the King, and her seven sisters. Every evening, she played with her ball in the vast garden of the palace.

In one corner of the garden there was a …………… lake. When the weather was ………… , the princess liked to play near the lake.

……………… , one day she accidentally dropped her golden ball into the water. She was very ……….. and started to cry.

"Don't cry, princess", someone said from behind her.

She turned to look at a large …………….. frog. "Please help me !" she said, "I have lost my ball.”

"I'll get you the ball", said the frog, "if I can live with you in the palace!"

"Yes, of course. I promise", said the princess ………………..

So the frog jumped into the water and came back with the ball……………….

The princess laughed with joy and took the ball. She ran …………… back to the palace forgetting all about her promise to the frog.

The frog was very ……………….. . He followed the princess to the palace and told the King his story.

"A promise is a promise. I hope your daughter will honour her promise," said the frog.

"Yes", said the King and called his daughter, "Promises are not meant to be broken, my daughter. Take this frog to your room.”

The princess was very ……………., but she took the frog and put him on her bed. The frog looked at her with big eyes, and said, "Please, kiss me, princess"

Closing her eyes, she kissed him.

Viola! There was a ………………… prince standing in the place where the frog was!

He and the princess fell in love. One week later, they married and they lived ………………….. ever after.

Answers for Parts of Speech Revision Activity #1

Nouns in the story: Dolly, garden, earth, birds, worms, seeds, carrots, lettuces, beans, vegetables, neighbours, sunflowers, roses, thorns

Verbs in the story: works, digs, watch, wait, plants, grows, grow, harvests, eats, shares, likes, like, is planning, loves, have

Adjectives in the story: brown, orange, crispy, green, tall, yellow, beautiful

Adverbs: hard, impatiently

Answers for Parts of Speech Revision Activity #2

Pronouns in the story: It, her, he, they

Prepositions in the story: in, into, with, after, into, behind, on

Conjunctions in the story: and, however, but

Interjections in the story: Stop!

Answers for Parts of Speech Revision Activity #3

The Princess and the Frog

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had a sparkling golden ball. She lived in a grand palace with her father, the King, and her seven sisters. Every evening, she played with her ball in the vast garden of the palace.

In one corner of the garden there was a large lake. When the weather was fine, the princess liked to play near the lake.

Unfortunately, one day she accidentally dropped her golden ball into the water. She was very upset and started to cry.

"Don't cry, princess", someone said from behind her.

She turned to look at a large green frog. "Please help me!" she said, "I have lost my ball.”

"I'll get you the ball", said the frog, "if I can live with you in the palace!"

"Yes, of course. I promise", said the princess thoughtlessly.

So the frog jumped into the water and came back with the ball immediately.

The princess laughed with joy and took the ball. She ran quickly back to the palace forgetting all about her promise to the frog.

The frog was very disappointed. He followed the princess to the palace and told the King his story.

"A promise is a promise. I hope your daughter will honour her promise," said the frog.

"Yes", said the King and called his daughter, "Promises are not meant to be broken, my daughter. Take this frog to your room.”

The princess was very disgusted, but she took the frog and put him on her bed. The frog looked at her with big eyes, and said, "Please kiss me, princess"

Closing her eyes, she kissed him.

Viola! There was a handsome prince standing in the place where the frog was!

He and the princess fell in love. One week later, they married and they lived happily ever after.

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