Learn English » Reading Comprehension Worksheet-2

Read the short story "The Necklace" and answer the questions given below.
Reading Comprehension Worksheet - 1 (Above 10 Year Old Kids)
1. In the beginning of the story, Mrs. Loisel is described as being ‘ashamed of her circumstances’. Explain why she felt so.
2. In what ways did the Loisels try to earn enough money to repay their debts?
3. In your own words, describe how Mrs.Loisel changed, in attitude and physical beauty, after the ten years of toil, to repay their debts.
4. Write, in not more than 7 words, the meanings of the italicized words/phrases in the story ‘The Necklace’.
plain ..................................................................................
splendid ..................................................................................
in vain ..................................................................................
haggled ..................................................................................
lowly ..................................................................................
distressed ..................................................................................
5. Write a summary of the story, in not more than 90 words. You may begin with the words given.
Mrs. Loisel was born poor, but very
Answer sheet for Worksheet - 2
1. Mrs. Loisel was very beautiful, and hence imagined that she was part of the highest class of society in France. However, she was born poor, and she could not do anything to change her circumstances.
2. The Loisels dismissed their maid
a. They moved to a smaller house
b. Mrs. Loisel did the household work such as washing dishes, clotehs throwing rubbish and fetching water.
c. Mr. Loisel did odd jobs outside his regular work.
3. Before the ten years of toil, Mrs. Loisel was vain, and ashamed of her circumstances. After ten years of working hard to repay their debts, she was pleased with herself, since she had done what was honourable.
4. Plain – ordinary/not beautiful
Splendid – very beautiful/magnificent/great-looking
In vain – useless<
Lowly – poor
Distressed – very unhappy/upset
5. Mrs.Loisel was born poor, but very beautiful. She was married to a clerk. Once she was invited to a ball, for which she borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend. However, the necklace was lost after the ball. Mr. Loisel borrowed money to replace the necklace. Then, the Loisels toiled for ten years to raise money to repay their debts. At the end of ten years, Mrs.Loisel met her friend again, who revealed that the original necklace was not made of diamond, and was not costly at all.
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