Learn English » English Speaking For Beginners

Learners who are just beginning to speak English are usually shy and diffident. Therefore, the first step that teachers or parents are advised to take, is to engage in activities that build their confidence in speaking English. For this, activities based on repetition, such as pattern practice drills, are very useful. They also help the learners to memorise certain basic structures of the language, and pronunciation. These drills are also known as mimicry-memorisation or mim-mem drills. Beginning learners need activities designed to develop listening skills also, since listening and speaking go together.
Here are worksheets that provide mim-mem drills as well as practice in listening and understanding. They are based on authentic or real life situations. Teachers or parents are advised to use these activities only with learners who are absolutely new to the English language.
English Speaking Worksheet-2 : Listening and understanding
Image courtesy: theflama.com
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