Learn English » Vocabulary For Advanced Level Learners

Advanced Vocabulary Learning and Practice

Effective use of the English language is possible only with a rich repertoire of vocabulary. People often believe that only writers and speakers need to have a good vocabulary, but the truth is far from it. No matter in which field you are, vocabulary is an asset, both professionally and personally. Having a good vocabulary helps you use words with precision. Your communication becomes sharp and vivid. Almost always, communication is about knowing exactly which word to use. The great writer Mark Twain once said, "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

We live in the 21st century knowledge society now. The key skills in both personal and professional spheres of life is related to how much a person knows. In such a scenario, communication skills become vital. In fact, scientific research has shown that a significant predictor of professional success in the modern world is one’s command over vocabulary. This is not surprising when we consider that what we think and what we communicate are two major components of our professional lives. What you think defines your attitude, and hence your approach to your job. What you speak and write is essentially what you are in your work place. Therefore, the importance of vocabulary learning cannot be stressed enough.

An advanced level of English proficiency could mean a good command over English grammar and fluency in speech, and a basic command over the vocabulary. However, at this level, a ‘basic’ knowledge of words is not enough, for sharpness in thinking, speech and writing. At the advanced level of English proficiency, a learner needs to acquire sophisticated vocabulary, and figurative language.

Thankfully, to learn advanced vocabulary, you don’t have to go back to school or university days. What is needed is an awareness of your need to improve, and a willingness to devote some effort towards improving it.

The worksheets in this section will give you highly useful descriptive words, and idioms. They will also introduce you to quirks of the English language such as homonyms and spoonerism. As a learner, a teacher or a parent, you will find these worksheets to be useful as material for self-study, as a launching pad for classroom activities, or a summer day home activity. Select the worksheets that suit your needs the most, and get working on enriching your vocabulary.

Worksheet-1 : Describing People

Worksheet-2 : Describing Places

Worksheet-3 : Describing Animals

Worksheet-4 : Word Power Idioms

Worksheet-5 : English Idioms

Worksheet-6 : Homonyms

Worksheet-7 : Spoonerism

Worksheet-8 : Humour for Children, Different meanings for party

Worksheet-9 : Similes

Worksheet-10 : English Vocabulary Practice

Worksheet-11 : Vocabulary Exercises

Worksheet-12 : Vocabulary Exercises

Worksheet-13 : Vocabulary Exercises

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