Learn English » Writing Worksheets for Beginners
English writing
Writing in English is a skill that can and should be nurtured from young. Like any skill, it can be perfected through regular and correct practice. The worksheets given here will help you learn and practice the essentials of writing in English. These worksheets cater to those learners of English who are at the ‘beginner’ level. They are guided activities that gently initiate those who are beginning to learn the English language, into the world of writing in English.
Worksheet - 1
This activity is on writing about animals and colours.
Colour the animals in the picture. Then, fill in the blanks with the colours you have used for the animals. The answers will differ according to individual tastes.

- The boy is feeding the mother hen and the chicks. The mother hen is ................. and the chicks are .................
- The boy is wearing a ................. shirt, a pair of ................. trousers, and a pair of ................. shoes.
- The cat is ................. with ................. stripes on it.
- The cow is ................. with ................. patches on it.
- The pig is .................
- The duck is ................., but its wings are .................
- The horse is ................. Its mane and tail are ................. Its hoofs are .................
- The rabbit is .................
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