Magazines » Discovery Girls Magazine For Kids

Discovery Girls Magazine For Kids Discovery Girls Magazine Review

Discovery Girls is mainly a girly magazine for kids.

Discovery girls is one of those magazine published exclusively for young girls aged between 7 to 12 years. In short, the pre-teen girls! Discovery Girls is created for the girls by girls. An award winning magazine, this is just a collection of inspiring content, variety of articles, a source of encouragement, knowledge bank, fashion tips, contests and many more. All exclusively crafted for young girls.

Male and female children vary a lot, both physically and emotionally. The difference widens the growth and the outlook. Young girls learn from different perspective and expand their knowledge unlike young boys. They have many questions left unanswered as they develop.

Discovery Girls is designed to help girls learn and explore themselves in different aspects.

It is just a great magazine for kids who view body image as a big issue. The magazine has exclusive segments that let the girls learn and not to worry about their growth.

The magazine has some girly things, celebrity interviews, fashion tips, etc. The magazine has special beauty section where it talks more about the natural things. Unlike other magazines that focus more on flashy fashion, Discovery Girls bring the traces of good and cute fashion with sensible accessories.

The interesting part of magazine is a lot of quizzes and contests. Readers get to write and publish their content in the contests.

Discussion boards, drawings, stories, poems and a lot of contribution are accepted. The quizzes are so meaningful that it helps the readers to identify themselves their potential, their interests, likes, etc.

Discovery Girls provide interesting debatable topics with different views. For instance, Yes or No to Uniforms in School! Is X celebrity a good role model? These help children to learn and widen their knowledge.

This is not a teen magazine, but a real magazine for kids, with real information for girls.

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