Rhymes ยป The Numbers Song

The Numbers Song

Let us learn the numbers
We are gonna learn till ten
Learning numbers makes it fun
You can read from one to ten

Show the numbers on your hand
Write the numbers on the sand
Write the numbers on the wall
Pick the numbers from the ball

Don't you wanna to sing along?
Learning numbers makes you strong
Say it....one and two...

Show the numbers on the door
Write the numbers on the shore
See the numbers on the floor
Mark the numbers on the floor

Don't you wanna to sing along?
Learning numbers makes you strong
Say it....three and four

Show the numbers on the bricks
Pick the numbers from the bricks
See the numbers on a stick
Pick your number from the stick

Don't you wanna to sing along?
Learning numbers makes you strong
Say it....five and six

See the numbers on a crate
Pick your number from the crate
See the numbers on a plate
Write the numbers on a slate

Don't you wanna to sing along?
Learning numbers makes you strong
Say it....seven and eight

Say the numbers one by one
Write the numbers with a pen
Shout the numbers on the run
Shoot the numbers with a gun

Don't you wanna to sing along?
Learning numbers makes you strong
Say it....nine and ten

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