Short Stories » A Glass of Milk

A Glass of Milk

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Once, there was a poor boy who made a living by selling various objects from door to door. This was the way he earned money to pay for his school.

One day, as he was walking from house to house as usual, he felt very hungry and weak. He felt that he couldn’t walk even a few steps. He decided to ask for food at a house. He knocked on the door and was stunned to see a beautiful young girl open the door. With much hesitation, he asked the girl for a glass of water.

The young girl understood his condition and offered him a huge glass of milk. With an astonished look, the boy drank the milk very slowly.

“How much do I owe you for this milk?” he asked her.

The girl replied, “I do not want any money for this.”

The boy thanked the girl from the bottom of his heart and left the place.

Years passed by. The young girl grew up. In her youth, unfortunately, she fell ill and was diagnosed with the rarest kind of nervous disorder. Many experienced doctors were baffled at her condition, and she was admitted in the city hospital with the most advanced facilities.

Dr. Kevin, a renowned neuro specialist was called in by the hospital to examine her. Even with his extraordinary expertise, Dr. Kevin found the girl’s illness very hard to cure. However, with perseverance and hard work that lasted months, he was finally able to get the disease under control. With careful medication and monitoring, the girl was completely cured in the end.

Everyone praised the doctor, but the girl was quite worried about how much the hospital bill would come to. Her family had just a little money kept away in the bank, which was by no means enough to pay for such a long treatment in that reputed hospital.

The girl was given the hospital bill finally. With trembling hands, she opened it. She was stunned to see that the bill had been crossed out and cancelled, and there was a note underneath signed by Dr. Kevin.

“Bill paid years ago with a glass of milk!”

Moral: One good turn begets another.

A Glass Of Milk - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Helping others selflessly can lead to unexpected kindness in return.

A Glass Of Milk - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can come back to you in wonderful and unexpected ways.

A Glass Of Milk - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Kindness and helping others can lead to unexpected and wonderful returns in life.

3 Fun Facts

  • The kind act of giving a glass of milk to a young boy led to a life-changing opportunity for him later on.
  • The boy, Howard Kelly, became a doctor and later repaid the kindness by covering the medical costs of the woman who had once helped him.
  • The note accompanying the paid bill said, "Paid in full with a glass of milk," showing the lasting impact of her generosity.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did the little boy ask for from the lady, feeling very hungry and thirsty?
  • How did the lady treat the little boy when he arrived at her door?
  • What did the little boy grow up to do to show his gratitude to the kind lady?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did the boy, Howard Kelly, do in exchange for a glass of milk when he was hungry and thirsty?
  • How did the kind woman's actions impact Howard's future when he became a doctor?
  • What surprising gesture did Dr. Kelly make to repay the woman's kindness from many years ago?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What motivated the young boy to stop and ask for a glass of water at the farmhouse?
  • How did the young boy repay the act of kindness shown to him by the kind woman many years later?
  • What was the young woman’s reaction upon learning about the identity of the doctor who treated her?

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