Short Stories » Apple and the Doctor & Naughty Roy

Apple and the Doctor

Anny and Kathy were twins. They play together, eat together, and sleep together. One day, when they were gardening, Kathy was badly hurt. Anny rushed to her aid. She called their mom to help and took Kathy inside.

Kathy was crying in pain. After giving her first aid, their father told them that Kathy would need a tetanus injection.

Shocked Kathy ran to the kitchen and came back holding something in her hand. All were surprised at her behavior. Kathy told she took an apple from the refrigerator. She added that, ‘Yesterday we were taught that eating an apple keeps doctors away. That’s why I took this apple, so that doctors will stay away from me, and will not inject me.’ Saying that she ate the apple!

Her Mom and Dad burst out into laughter! While Anny looked confused, Kathy heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that she may not require an injection.

Do you remember the famous saying, AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTORS AWAY! Yes, the little Kathy mistook it. Eating one apple, a delicious, and fiber rich, nutritious and sweet smelling fruit helps your body in many ways.

Naughty Roy

Roy was a naughty boy! His naughtiness made people laugh and of course yell at him. Mentioned below is an incident that shows how naughty Roy is!

One day Roy went to a stationery store. He wandered for about five minutes in the shop searching for a pen. Finally, he went up to the sales representative, and asked to show him different varieties of pens.

The sales clerk took a pen and gave it to Roy. Roy wrote something on his notebook and returned the pen. He asked for another pen and the sales clerk patiently gave Roy different pens to try out. Roy tried a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth, and many such pens. Every time he tried a new pen, he wrote something on his notebook and returned it back as if he wasn’t happy. After almost more than half an hour, the sales clerk got irritated, and asked Roy what type of pen he was looking for.

Roy looked at him and politely said that he does not need a pen anymore, as he had completed his homework! Of course, he had to leave the shop immediately.

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