Short Stories » Delicacy of Feeling

Delicacy of Feeling

THE value of a charitable deed depends entirely upon the way it is done. Remember, the poor are always sensitive. Said a poor woman: "If anyone gives me anything and then tells of it, Iโ€™ve paid for it" Yes, paid for it in shame and distress more than the gift was worth. Said a lady at her gate one day: "That's Mrs. Dean; I know it's her by her dress. I gave it to her."

Once one man said to another, " I gave you this work because you were poor and I thought you'd be glad to get it." Why did he remind the man of his distress, already hard to bear? It would have sounded much better if he had said: " It is very handy getting this work done so near home. I am glad you could do it for me." The workman would have thought: "I like to work for him, his manners are so pleasant."

Now judge which is nicest. A lady was having the Primary Association girls at her house to make a quilt for a donation to some worthy object. One girl whispered: "My sister and I are the only ones here without white aprons." She did not know it was overheard till after dinner, when the hostess appeared from an inner room and whispered to her, "Now you're not the only ones with gingham aprons on." I heard the whisper, glanced at the two faces, and lovelier smiles I never saw. They were from the hearts of sympathy and appreciation.

Delicacy Of Feeling - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Treat others kindly and gently, as your actions can affect their feelings deeply.

Delicacy Of Feeling - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Being kind and understanding towards others' feelings helps build strong friendships and comforts those who may be upset.

Delicacy Of Feeling - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Changes in life, like moving to a new country, can be challenging but also offer exciting opportunities to learn and grow, as shown through the adventurous upbringing of Ourson.

3 Fun Facts

  • Charles was very excited to surprise his mother with a clean white handkerchief that he had saved money for two weeks to buy.
  • Even though the handkerchief got dirty on the way home, Charles's mother was very touched because of the love and thoughtfulness behind his gift.
  • Charles's mother valued the sentiment more than the actual gift, highlighting the importance of feelings and intentions over material things.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • Who was the little boy that noticed the cat struggling to reach the milk saucer?
  • What did the boy do to help the cat enjoy its milk?
  • How did the teacher and other children feel after seeing the boy help the cat?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • Why didn't the little boy express his dislike for the soup made by the teacher?
  • What did the teacher do when she noticed the boy had not touched his soup?
  • How did the boy show gratitude to his teacher despite not liking the soup?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What does the story primarily highlight about how one should approach the emotions of others?
  • What specific event in the story serves as a turning point for characters to reflect on their actions or feelings?
  • How do the characters in the story demonstrate growth or change in their understanding of empathy and sensitivity towards others?

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