Short Stories » The Donkey on Wheels

The Donkey on Wheels

"THERE was once a poor little donkey on wheels. It had never wagged its tail, or tossed its head, or said, “Hee-haw!” or tasted a tender thistle. It always went about, anywhere that anyone pulled it, on four wooden wheels, carrying a foolish knight, who wore a large cocked hat and a long cloak, because he had no legs. Now, a man who has no legs, and rides a donkey on wheels, has little cause for pride; but the knight was haughty, and seldom remembered his circumstances. So the donkey suffered sorely, and in many ways.

One day the donkey and the knight were on the table in front of the child to whom they both belonged. She was cutting out a little doll's frock with a large pair of scissors.

"Mistress," said the knight, "this donkey tries my temper. Will you give me some spurs?”

"Oh, no, sir knight," the child answered. “You would hurt the poor donkey; besides, you have no heels to put them on."

“Cruel knight!" exclaimed the donkey. “Make him get off, dear mistress; I will carry him no longer."

“Let him stay," said the child, gently; “he has no legs, and cannot walk."

“Then why did he want spurs?”

"Just the way of the world, dear donkey; just the way of the world."

“Ah!" sighed the donkey, “some ways are very trying, especially the world’s;“ and then it said no more, but thought of the fields it would never see, and the thistles it would never taste.

Donkey On Wheels - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Always think creatively and work together as a team to solve problems!

Donkey On Wheels - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Kindness and creativity can help solve problems and make new friends.

Donkey On Wheels - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

"Donkey On Wheels" teaches us to think creatively and find solutions to problems by using the resources we have, like how the farmer found a way to transport heavy loads by putting his donkey on wheels.

3 Fun Facts

  • In the story, a clever boy named Tom uses his broken skateboard to make a wheel cart for the donkey, which helps the donkey move faster and carry more goods.
  • Tom's imaginative solution not only helps the villagers with their goods but also makes the donkey happy because it is now easier for him to walk without the burden.
  • The villagers are impressed by Tom's creativity and teamwork, and they come to realize that even small, simple ideas can make a big difference in their community.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did the old man use to help the donkey carry heavy bundles up the hill?
  • How did the villagers react when they saw the donkey moving smoothly up the hill?
  • What happened when the donkey reached the top of the hill with the wheel cart?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What surprise did the villagers find about the donkey during the story?
  • How did the donkey's life change after finding the wheels?
  • What was the reaction of the villagers when they saw the donkey with wheels?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What innovative idea does Kittu come up with to help the donkey carry heavier loads more easily?
  • How does Kittu's solution impact the way the villagers transport goods in the story?
  • What lesson about problem-solving and innovation can be learned from Kittu's experience with the donkey?

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