Short Stories » Slow and Fast

Slow and Fast
A young man was riding on a horse with heavily loaded mangoes which were packed carelessly. He travelled in his horse a long way to collect those mangoes. He wasn’t sure about how long it would take to reach home. He saw an old man on his way and asked him how long he should travel to reach his place.
The old man looked at the heavy load and said, ‘if you ride slowly, you can reach your place in 3 hours. If you ride faster, you will reach home no sooner than early night!’
The young man was surprised at the words of the old man. It appeared very strange. However, he was in a hurry to reach home. He rushed his horse to run faster.
As he rushed his horse, the mangoes started to fell off from the bag. He stopped the horse and picked the mangoes. Again, he hurried in his horse and again few mangoes fell off. He picked again and lost some more. He tried to make the lost time but in vain. Many times he repeated the same and it took almost mid-night to reach his place.
He then understood the real meaning of the words told by the old man!
Slow And Fast - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Slow and Fast teaches us that everyone has their own special pace, and it's important to be patient and understanding with each other.
Slow And Fast - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Sometimes it's better to take your time and understand things slowly rather than rushing and missing important details.
Slow And Fast - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
In the story "Slow And Fast," the lesson is that patience and steady effort can often lead to success, just like the slow but consistent turtle outsmarted the fast but overconfident rabbit.
3 Fun Facts
- The story is about a turtle named Tammy and a rabbit named Robbie who decide to have a race to see who is faster.
- Tammy, the turtle, surprises everyone by taking a shortcut through the woods and reaching the finish line first, while Robbie decides to take a nap and wakes up too late to win.
- The story teaches the lesson that being steady and thinking ahead can sometimes be better than just being fast.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What did Benny the rabbit like to do every day when the sun came up?
- Who was Benny's friend who loved to take things slow and enjoy the journey?
- What lesson did Benny learn from Timmy during their race in the forest?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What was the main reason the slow turtle was not worried about the upcoming race against the fast rabbit?
- How did the turtle manage to win the race despite being slower than the rabbit?
- What lesson did the rabbit learn from his experience of racing against the turtle?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What characteristic of the turtle's nature helped him to avoid being caught by the hare in the story?
- How did the turtle's consistent behavior play a role in how the animals in the forest viewed him by the end of the story?
- What lesson can be learned about assumptions and appearances from the interactions between the turtle and the hare?
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