The Massive Pumpkin Short Story for Kids | Funny Story | PDF, Pictures & Videos

Short Stories » The Massive Pumpkin

Big Pumpkin

The Massive Pumpkin

Helen and Selena were friends. They were neighbors. One day, these two girls were going to a vegetable market. They saw a huge pumpkin, and it was the biggest in the market, they never saw elsewhere.

Immediately, Selena boasted, ‘Helen I saw a pumpkin ten times bigger than this last year when I went to grandmother’s place. It was in my grandmother’s garden.’

Helen replied politely, ‘Oh wow! That pumpkin must have been so big. And you know what, my grandfather made a pot bigger than my house.’

Selene was confused and asked Helen why your grandfather made such a huge pot?
Helen replied, ‘To cook your pumpkin!’

Selena realized her mistake and felt ashamed. She promised she won’t lie!

The Massive Pumpkin - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Working together as a team can help solve big problems, just like how everyone worked together to move the massive pumpkin!

The Massive Pumpkin - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Even small seeds can grow into big surprises, like the massive pumpkin that amazed everyone in the village!

The Massive Pumpkin - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Growing a giant pumpkin may not always go as planned, but working together with friends can help you find creative solutions to unexpected problems.

3 Fun Facts

  • The giant pumpkin grew so big that it needed a whole truck to be moved to the town fair.
  • It took three people a lot of teamwork to harvest the massive pumpkin from the farm.
  • The pumpkin was so large that it won the first prize at the town's biggest pumpkin contest.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did Timmy plant in the garden that grew into something big and round?
  • How did Timmy feel when he saw how big his pumpkin had grown?
  • Who helped Timmy move the massive pumpkin from the garden?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did Mr. Hobson decide to grow in his garden that made everyone in the village curious and excited?
  • How did the animals in the village react when they saw the massive pumpkin in Mr. Hobson's garden?
  • What lesson did Mr. Hobson learn about sharing from his experience with the massive pumpkin?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What technique did Grandpa use to make his pumpkin grow so large in the story "The Massive Pumpkin"?
  • How did the townspeople react when they saw the massive pumpkin at the festival?
  • What lesson do the characters learn from the experience of growing and showcasing the massive pumpkin?

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