The Three Kick Rule Short Story for Kids | Funny Story | PDF, Pictures & Videos

Short Stories » The Three Kick Rule

Man holding rabbit

The Three Kick Rule

Mr. Han was a lawyer. He loves fishing and hunting. It was a clear Saturday and he decided to spend his day fishing and hunting. He drove a long way to reach the forest and a lake was located near the forest. He decided to try his chance in fishing. Unfortunately, he could not catch even a single fish. He decided to return home. Suddenly he saw a rabbit moving around in the nearby area.

He shot the rabbit and the rabbit fallen down on the ground inside a fence of a garden. The lawyer had a quick glance in and around the garden and he saw nobody was there.

He jumped inside the garden, grabbed the rabbit and when he was about to climb back the fence, he was caught by the garden owner.

The garden owner and lawyer argued for the ownership of the rabbit.

The lawyer told he shot the rabbit and it belonged to him.

The owner argued, the rabbit grew in his garden and it was lying in his garden. So it belonged to him.

The lawyer shouted at the owner, ‘See, I’m a lawyer! I can sue you in the court and get you severe punishment!’

The owner decided to teach a lesson to the lawyer. He said, ‘Okay. I’ll kick you three times with my strength. You again kick me three times with your full strength. Let us continue this until you or me request to give up! The one who gives up lose the game and the other one wins and owns the rabbit!

Lawyer agreed to the ‘Three Kick’ rule and he was confident that he could win it! Apparently, the lawyer looked bigger and stronger than the garden owner.

They then argued on who should kick first. The decided on tossing a coin and the garden owner won the toss. He decided to kick the lawyer first!

The garden owner kicked him on his stomach, his legs and face! The lawyer groaned in pain and before he starts kicking the owner, the garden owner said, ‘I give up! It is all yours. Now, enjoy the rabbit!’

Never underestimate anyone and never become overconfident on your talent and powers. A big blow on the right place on you can bring you down.

The Three Kick Rule - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Always be fair and honest, because clever tricks may backfire on you!

The Three Kick Rule - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

No matter how tricky a situation seems, honesty and understanding can lead to a fair and amusing outcome for everyone involved.

The Three Kick Rule - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

In "The Three Kick Rule," fairness and quick thinking help resolve conflicts peacefully and often teach sly troublemakers a valuable lesson.

3 Fun Facts

  • The story is about a smart farmer who outwits a stranger by using a clever trick involving a three-kick rule.
  • The stranger found himself agreeing to a surprising deal where he had to endure three kicks from the farmer before he could get his own money back.
  • Despite the stranger's confidence in his strength, the farmer's quick thinking and resourcefulness ensured that he never had to fight the stronger opponent.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did Farmer Joe use to measure his land when the incident with the cowboy happened?
  • How many kicks did the cowboy say were part of the "Three Kick Rule"?
  • Why did the cowboy decide not to continue with the challenge after being kicked?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did Farmer Jake insist was necessary before any argument could be settled on his farm?
  • How did the lawyer first react when Farmer Jake proposed the three-kick rule?
  • What unexpected event happened at the end of the story involving Farmer Jake and the lawyer?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • Why did the farmer kick the lawyer three times initially?
  • How did the lawyer react after the farmer's first three kicks?
  • What was the lawyer's plan after receiving the farmer's kicks, and how did it unfold?

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