Short Stories » The Light on the Hills

The Light on the Hills

"I WANT to work at my picture," he said, and went into the field. The little sister went too, and stood by him watching while he painted.

"The trees are not quite straight," she said, presently, "and oh, dear brother, the sky is not blue enough."

"It- will all come right soon," he answered. "Will it be of any good?"

"Oh yes," she said, wondering that he should even ask, "it will make people happy to look at it. They will feel as if they were in the field."

"If I do it badly, will it make them unhappy?"

“Not if you do your very best," she answered; "for they will know how hard you have tried. Look up," she said suddenly, "look up at the light upon the hills," and they stood together looking at all he was trying to paint, at the trees and the field, at the deep shadows and the hills beyond, and the light that rested upon them. "It is a beautiful world," the girl said." It is a great honour to make things for it."

"It is a beautiful world," the boy echoed sadly." It is a sin to disgrace it with things that are badly done."

“But you will do things well?”

"I get so tired," he said, "and long to leave off so much. What do you do when you want to do your best, - your very, very best?" he asked, suddenly."

I think that I am doing it for the people I love," she answered. “It makes you very strong if you think of them; you can bear pain, and walk far, and do all manner of things, and you don't get tired so soon."

He thought for a moment. “Then I shall paint my picture for you," he said;" I shall think of you all the time I am doing it."

Once more they looked at the hills that seemed to rise up out of the deep shadows into the light, and then together they went home.

Soon afterwards a great sorrow came to the boy. While the little sister slept, she wandered into another world, and journeyed on so far that she lost the clue to earth, and came back no more. The boy painted many pictures before he saw the field again, but in the long hours, as he sat and worked, there came to him a strange power that answered more and more truly to the longing in his heart the longing to put into the world something of which he was not ashamed, something which should make it, if only in the person of its meanest, humblest citizen, a little happier or better.

At last, when he knew that his eye was true and his touch sure, he took up the picture he had promised to paint for the dear sister, and worked at it until he was finished.

"This is better than all he has done before," the beholders said. "It is surely beautiful, for it makes one happy to look at it."

"And yet my heart ached as I did it," the boy said, as he went back to the field." I thought of her all the time I worked, it was sorrow that gave me power." It seemed as if a soft voice, that spoke only to his heart, answered back

“Not sorrow but love, and perfect love has all things in its gift, and of it are all things born save happiness, and though that may be born too”

“How does one find happiness?" interrupted the boy."

It is a strange chase," the answer seemed to be; "to find it for one's own self, one must seek it for others. We all throw the ball for each other."

“But it is so difficult to seize."

"Perfect love helps one to live without happiness," his own heart answered to himself;" and above all things it helps one to work and to wait."

"But if it gives one happiness too?" he asked eagerly.

"Ah, then it is called Heaven.”

Light On The Hills - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

When you help others and work together, you can create something beautiful and make each other happy.

Light On The Hills - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Even the smallest act of encouragement and kindness can inspire someone to achieve more than they believed possible.

Light On The Hills - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Even small acts of encouragement and kindness can help others achieve their dreams and lead to unexpected success.

3 Fun Facts

  • The story takes place in a beautiful valley surrounded by hills that light up with a magical glow during sunset.
  • The siblings in the story learn the importance of appreciating and acknowledging each other's efforts and talents.
  • This tale emphasizes how a simple act of kindness can create lasting happiness and strengthen family bonds.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • Who were the main characters in the story?
  • What did the little boy do to help his sister while she was painting?
  • How did the sister feel when she saw the beautiful view from the hill?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What activity was the boy engaged in while his sister joined him on the hillside?
  • How did the girl contribute to the boy's work when they were on the hillside?
  • What lesson did the story teach about the importance of appreciating others' work?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What motivates the girl's brother to help her with the painting despite initially not wanting to be called away from his own activities?
  • How does the brother's perspective on painting change after he assists his sister with her work?
  • Describe how the setting of the story, particularly the light on the hills, plays a role in the development of the plot and the siblings' bond.

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