Short Stories » Real Solution to Problems
Real Solution to Problems
A group of employees was working in a software company. It was a team of 30 employees. This was a young, energetic and dynamic team with keen enthusiasm and desire to learn and grow. The management decided to teach the employees about finding real solution to the problems.
The team was called to play a game in a banquet hall. The group was quite surprised as they were called for playing game. All reached the venue holding various thoughts. As they entered the hall, they found the hall decorated beautifully with colourful decorative papers and balloons all over the place. It was more like a kid’s play area, than a corporate meeting hall.
Everyone was surprised and gazed at each other. Also, there was a huge box of balloons placed at the centre of the hall.
The team leader asked everyone to pick a balloon from the box and asked them to blow it. Every one happily picked a balloon and blew it.
Then the team leader asked them to write their names on their balloon, carefully so that the balloons didn’t blow up. All tried to write their names on the balloons, but not everyone was successful. A few balloons blew up due to pressure and they were given another chance to use another balloon.
Those who failed to mark their names even after the second chance were ruled out of the game. After the second chance, 25 employees were qualified for the next level. All the balloons were collected and then put into a room.
The team leader announced the employees to go to the room and pick the same balloon that had his name on it. Also, he told them that no balloon should blow up and warned them to be very careful!
All 25 employees reached the room, where the balloons carrying their names were thrown here and there. They were searching for the respective balloons carrying their names. While they were in a rush to find the respective balloons, they tried not to burst the balloons. It was almost 15 minutes and no one was able to find the balloon carrying his own name.
The team was told that the second level of the game was over.
Now it is the third and final level. They asked the employees to pick any balloon in the room and give it to the person named on the balloon. Within a couple of minutes all balloons reached the hands of the respective employee and everyone reached the hall.
The team leader announced; this is called real solutions to the problems. Everyone is frantically hunting for solutions to the problems without understanding the ideal ways. Many times, sharing and helping others give you real solutions to all problems.
Real Solution To Problems Story - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Even when things seem impossible, finding a wise and clever solution can help solve any problem.
Real Solution To Problems Story - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Thinking creatively and looking at problems from a different perspective can help you find effective solutions.
Real Solution To Problems Story - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
It's important to find smart and practical solutions to problems, rather than focusing only on the difficulties.
3 Fun Facts
- The story features a king known for his wisdom, who learns a valuable lesson from a simple but clever villager.
- A wise villager solves the problem of a tree blocking the palace gate by suggesting they trim it instead of cutting it down completely.
- The king realizes that the simplest solutions are often the most effective and appreciates the villager's insight.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What animal came to the lion for help at the beginning of the story?
- What problem did the animals face in the forest?
- How did the lion solve the problem for all the animals in the end?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What did the king's minister suggest to solve the problem of people getting their feet dirty on the roads?
- How did the clever man propose to solve the problem differently than the king and his ministers?
- What lesson did the king learn from the clever man's solution to cover people's feet instead of the roads?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What initially caused the conflict between the rich man and the poor man in the story?
- How did the poor man ultimately resolve the problem with the rich man's property?
- What lesson did the rich man learn by the end of the story?
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