Short Stories » Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love
Rishi was a 10 year old boy. Just like any other boy of his age, he had the usual tantrums with his mother. Sometimes he obeyed what she said and what his father said, and sometimes he would completely ignore them. Since this was very common in kids, Rishi’s mom did not worry a lot.
It was an unexpected holiday announced by the school of Rishi and he had 5 holidays. He spent a good time with his mother. She took him for outings, they went to beach and amusement parks, had delicious dining, she cooked his favourite foods and played with him. Three days were left and Rishi’s mother wanted to clean the house and she wanted to involve
Rishi in cleaning.
She asked him to help her and as a surprise, he also accepted.
Everything was done to perfection. Rishi’s mummy was surprised with his act. While she was cooking the dinner meal, Rishi gave her a piece of paper, written by him. Since his mom was busy cooking, she asked him to place the paper on the dining table.
After cooking the meals, she took the paper left by his son and was shocked to see what he wrote!
The piece of paper contained this list:
For cutting grass in the garden – Rs. 300
For Cleaning my Room – Rs. 250
For helping you in the kitchen – Rs. 200
For buying milk and fruits for you – Rs. 50
For taking care of my sister when you were shopping – Rs. 250
For removing the garbage – Rs. 100
Total you owe - Rs. 1150 /-
She was literally shocked!
She didn’t speak a word and wrote in a paper and gave it to her son.
She wrote:
For carrying you nine months – No Charge
For getting severely sick when you were growing inside me – No Charge
For sleepless nights taking care of you for several months – No Charge
For soothing you without getting annoyed whenever you troubled – No Charge
For heartfelt prayers and passing through those dreadful days when you met with an accident when you were 3 years – No Charge
Innumerable days spent without calmness and peace of mind thinking about your present and future – No Charge
For taking care of you like a precious gift I never had in my life – No Charge
You Owe: -------------------------------
The boy was in tears and rushed to his mom and gave a tight hug that he had never done before.
Rishi, unable to look at her, told, ‘Mom I love you! I’m sorry for everything!’
She kissed on his forehead. Rishi crushed the paper he wrote and threw into dustbin.
We don’t understand the love of a mother, the unconditional love!
Unconditional Love Story - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
True love means caring for someone with all your heart, no matter what happens.
Unconditional Love Story - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
True love and kindness are shown through selfless actions and caring for others, just like the mother's unwavering support for her son.
Unconditional Love Story - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
True love is about caring for someone without expecting anything in return, just like how the man in the story showed kindness to the beggar.
3 Fun Facts
- The story revolves around a little boy named Billy and his father who loved him unconditionally.
- When Billy accidentally broke his toy train, his father reminded him that love is more important than things.
- The story teaches that true love is always forgiving and never fades, even after making mistakes.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What did the little boy break while playing with his new toy airplane?
- How did the mother react when she saw the broken toy?
- What did the mother teach the boy about how love is different from toys?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What did Annie's father buy for her to cheer her up after a bad day at school?
- How did Annie's father react when she accidentally spilled juice on the floor?
- What lesson did Annie learn from her father's actions throughout the story?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What special reason did the mother have for her bond with Ryan despite his behavior?
- How did Ryan change after learning about his mother's letters and feelings?
- What role did the mother's letters play in Ryan's life and growth throughout the story?
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