Short Stories » Wechah The Provider
Wechah The Provider - Page 1 of 6

“COME, Wechah, come away! the dogs will tease you dreadfully if they find you up a tree. Enakanee (hurry) !" Wasula urged, but the mischievous Wechah still chose to remain upon the projecting lirnb of an oak which made him a comfortable seat. It was apparently a great temptation to him to climb every large, spreading tree that came in his way, and Wasula had had some thrilling experiences with her pet when he had been attacked by the dogs of the camp and even by wild animals, so it was no wonder that she felt some anxiety for him. Wasula was the daughter of a well-known warrior of the Rock Cliff villagers of the Minnesota River. Her father had no son living, therefore she was an only child, and the most sought-after of any maiden in that band. No other girl could boast of Wasula's skill in paddling the birch canoe or running upon snow-shoes, nor could any gather the wild rice faster than she. She could pitch the prettiest teepees, and her nimble, small fingers worked very skilfully with the needle. She had made many embroidered tobacco-pouches and quivers which the young men were eager to get.
More than all this, Wasula loved to roam alone in the woods. She was passionately fond of animals, so it was not strange that, when her father found and brought home a baby raccoon, the maiden took it for her own, kept it in an upright Indian cradle and played mother to it.
Wasula was as pretty and free as a teal-duck, or a mink with its slender, graceful body and small face. She had black, glossy hair, hanging in two plaits on each side of her head, and a calm, childlike face, with a delicate aquiline nose. Wechah, when he was first put into her hands, was nothing more than a tiny ball of striped fur, not un- like a little kitten. His bright eyes already shone with some suggestion of the mischief and cunning of his people. Wasula made a perfect baby of him. She even carved all sorts of playthings out of hoof and bone, and tied them to the bow of the cradle, and he loved to play with them. He apparently understood much that she said to him, but he never made any attempt to speak. He preferred to use what there is of his own language, but that, too, he kept from her as well as he could, for it is a secret belonging only to his tribe.
Wechah had now grown large and hand-some, for he was fat and sleek. They had been constantly together for over a year, and his foster - mother had grown very much attached to him. The young men who courted Wasula had conspired at different times against his life, but upon second thought they realized that if Wasula should suspect the guilt of one of them his chance of winning her would be lost forever.
It is true he tried their patience severely, but he could not help this, for he loved his mistress, and his ambition was to be first in her regard. He was very jealous, and, if any one appeared to divide her attention, he would immediately do something to break up the company. Sometimes he would re- sort to hiding the young man's quiver, bow, or tomahawk, if perchance he put it down. Again he would pull his long hair, but they could never catch him at this. He was quick and sly. Once he tripped a proud warrior so that he fell sprawling at the feet of Wasula. This was embarrassing, and he would never again lay himself open to such a mishap. At another time he pulled the loose blanket off the suitor, and left him naked. Sometimes he would pull the eagle feather from the head of one and run up a tree with it, where he would remain, and no coaxing could induce him to come down until Wasula said :
"Wechah, give him his feather! He de- sires to go home."
Wechah truly thought this was bright and cunning, and Wasula thought so too. While she always reprimanded him, she was inwardly grateful to him for breaking the monotony of courtship or rebuking the presumption of some unwelcome suitor.
"Come down, Wechah!" she called, again and again. He came part way at last, only to take his seat upon another limb, where he formed himself into a veritable muff or nest upon the bough in a most unconcerned way. Any one else would have been so exasperated that all the dogs within hearing would have been called into service to bay him down, but Wasula's love for Wechah was truly strong, and her patience with him was extraordinary. At last she struck the tree a sharp blow with her hatchet. The little fellow picked himself up and hastily descended, for he knew that his mistress was in earnest, and she had a way of punishing him for disobedience. It was simple, but it was sufficient for Wechah.
Wechah The Provider - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
Wechah the clever fox reminds us that being smart and resourceful can help us take care of ourselves and others.
Wechah The Provider - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Wechah the Provider teaches us that kindness and resourcefulness can help us not only survive but also help others in need.
Wechah The Provider - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
Wechah, the generous hunter, teaches us the importance of sharing and caring for others, as his selflessness brings the community together and ensures everyone's well-being.
3 Fun Facts
- Wechah is a clever little fox who helps his friends survive by sharing food.
- Even though Wechah is smaller, he uses his wits to outsmart bigger animals and gather resources.
- The story teaches the importance of sharing and helping others in times of need.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What did Wechah use to hunt for food in the forest?
- How did Wechah help the old chief of the tribe?
- What was Wechah's special talent that made him different from the other animals?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- What animal did Wechah help find food during the long winter?
- How did Wechah manage to enter the storage area of the people and take some of the supplies?
- What lesson about kindness and community can be learned from Wechah’s actions?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What challenge does Wechah face in the story that causes him to change his behavior and actions?
- How do the other animals in the forest come to view Wechah over the course of the story, and what event leads to this change in perception?
- Describe the main lesson Wechah learns about sharing and community by the end of the story.
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