Short Stories » What a Little Girl Could Do

Dtory - What a Little Girl Could Do

What a Little Girl Could Do

FAR away in England a family was bowed in sorrow and want. The father had died, and there was a good- sized family to be provided for. The eldest children could get work away from home, just enough to provide for themselves. At home there were three more for the mother to toil for, the eldest only six. One day a little friend said to her: "Elizabeth, I have a place to work, but my time is nearly out, and I'm going home; but I think my mistress would take you if you would like to go." "Oh, thank you! I'll go with you now and find out about it." When they reached the house, the lady, in answer to the introduction and explanation, said, " You are so young and small, how could you wash my dishes?" "I would stand upon a box." " You might break them while putting them away." " No, ma'am, for I would be so careful that it could not happen." "What would keep you from being homesick ?" "To know I was helping mother." "Are you not afraid I might scold you?" "Not if I do right, ma'am." The lady was so pleased she called to see the mother, who, after many sorrowful feelings, and the kind assurances of her visitor, who was well known, consented to the offer. Once a week Elizabeth saw her mother, and at the end of the year her kind employer paid . her the full salary and a bountiful allowance of clothing and books, for Elizabeth had expressed a wish to attend school. This she did for one year, and helped her mother all her hours out of school-time. "Now," said Elizabeth (eight years old), " after one year in school, I ought to study alone." So she worked for small wages all day, and spent her evenings at home in study, instead of playing in the streets. So she continued for ten years.

At a proper age Elizabeth married a good man, and by the earnings she had saved, helped her mother as well as herself to come to Zion. The once poor little girl now rides behind her own horses, and looks from her door upon more than one hundred acres of land, their valued and happy inheritance in Zion.

I cannot help thinking that the spirit shown by the little girl, and her course in life as she grew older, must have won the approval and blessing of our heavenly Father. I think that holy angels must have looked with tender care upon the little Elizabeth, who started out in life at six years of age, and bore up her simple prayers to the holy throne.

What A Little Girl Could Do - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Even small acts of kindness, like the little girl helping a butterfly, can make a big difference.

What A Little Girl Could Do - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Even the smallest person can make a big difference by being brave and helping others in need.

What A Little Girl Could Do - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Even small acts of kindness, like those of the little girl in the story, can make a big difference in someone else's life.

3 Fun Facts

  • Although a little girl had no money, she used her creative mind to help her father by finding eggs that were about to hatch.
  • The girl offered to care for the eggs using warmth and patience, turning them into a flock of chickens that could be sold.
  • Her effort and clever thinking brought unexpected prosperity to her family as the chickens multiplied and became valuable.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What did the little girl notice about the man on the street that made her stop and help him?
  • How did the little girl help the man when she found out he needed assistance?
  • What did the little girl's actions teach us about being kind and helpful to others?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What magical item did the little girl find in the forest that helped her accomplish amazing things?
  • Who did the little girl decide to help first after discovering the power of the magical item?
  • How did the creatures of the forest react after the little girl started using the magical item to help them?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What decision did the little girl make when she found out that many people in her village didn't have enough to eat?
  • How did the villagers initially respond to the little girl's efforts to collect food for those in need?
  • What was the impact of the little girl's actions on her community by the end of the story?

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